Tuesday, July 19, 2022

⏰ Hopea mengarawan

Traditional Herbs from Hopea mengarawan


  • Prepare enough leaves and roots of resin.
  • Leaves and roots are washed, pounded until crushed, then apply to the wound and bandage with a clean cloth.


  • Take resin resin sea ??to taste.
  • Burn the sap until it emits smoke.
  • Inhale the smoke produced, do this several times until the asthma complaints subside.

What is Hopea mengarawan Looks like??

Parts of Hopea mengarawan that could be used

  • Bark

Hopea mengarawan Distribution

Hopea Mengarawan originates from Singapore, Indonesia (Kalimantan and Sumatra) and Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia). This tree is harvested from nature to be used locally for its sap (resin) and good quality wood. Dammar is a hard resin that is traditionally used for purposes such as caulking boats and baskets, as an adhesive, in medicine, as torch fuel and sometimes in food. Resin has many commercial uses, although many of these uses are less important today due to the advent of synthetic materials. Commercially, it is an ingredient in inks, lacquers, oil paints, varnishes, etc., and is used as a glazing agent in foods. The wood is a source of wood for trade. This tree is classified as 'Critically Endangered' on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (2010). This tree contains a variety of phytochemicals, especially oligomeric resveratrol. Oligomeric resveratrol is an antioxidant compound that may have health benefits. So further research needs to be done for more detailed use for health.
Agroecology of Hopea mengarawan
This plant is usually found on ridges and hillsides with poor sandy to clay soils in the wild, also in ultrabasic. This tree has a wide canopy in forests, growing locally, scattered or sometimes in groups in lowlands, often swampy or periodically flooded, and also in low hills up to a height of 500 m above sea level.
Morphology of Hopea mengarawan
  • Taproot and brown.
  • Unbranched\u00a0stem up to 25 m, sometimes more, with a diameter of up to 90 cm and well-supported. It produces good quality resinous resin.
  • Alternating-stemmed leaves have rough leaf blades oval spear-shaped, measuring 6-12 by 2.5-5 cm, the bottom is brownish and the top is golden brown when dry.
  • Flowers appear on each The stem shoots reach 3 cm in length and produce up to 6 yellowish-white flowers about 5 mm wide.

Cultivation of Hopea mengarawan
Merawan plant propagation is done using seeds.

Hopea mengarawan, more details :

Chemical Content of Hopea mengarawan
Resveratrol oligomers are diptoindonesin D, balanocarpol, ampelopsin A, hopeafuran, heimiol A, parviflorol, a-viniferin, isohopeafenol, and vatikanol B.
Benefits of Hopea mengarawan
Has potential as an antioxidant, antibacterial, anticancer, antihetotoxic, anti-HIV.
Simplisia of Hopea mengarawan
  • Wash the bark thoroughly. Separate the bark from the inner stem using a knife.
  • Dry it by drying it in the sun for several days, every day the position of the bark on top should be turned over.
  • After drying, grind it until it becomes powder then store it in an airtight container.

Another Facts for Hopea mengarawan :
Synonym of Hopea mengarawan
Hancea mengarawan� (Miq.) Pierre, �
Habitus of Hopea mengarawan
Tree. Annual tree, reaching 60� m high
Habitat of Hopea mengarawan
  • Forest

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