Friday, July 22, 2022

✅ Homalomena humilis

Traditional Herbs from Homalomena humilis


  • Clean the tubers sufficiently.
  • Peel them and mash them until they are pulverized.
  • Then apply them to the wound.


  • Prepare the langge leaves.
  • Wash them thoroughly with running water.
  • Heat the leaves until they wilt.
  • Put them on your forehead.

What is Homalomena humilis Looks like??

Parts of Homalomena humilis that could be used

  • Leaves
  • Rhizomes

Homalomena humilis Distribution

Homalomena is primarily found in South Asia and the Southwest Pacific, but there are several species known from Latin America. Most Homalomena smell like anise. The name appears to come from a Malay regional name that was mistranslated as homalos meaning flat and mene meaning moon.
Agroecology of Homalomena humilis
Grows well in damp areas and low light intensity and usually lives in groups. Generally, most of them are easy to find in forests, riverbanks, steep areas with good drainage. Can be found at altitudes up to 1,450 m above sea level.
Morphology of Homalomena humilis
  • The stem tuber rhizome is stored in the soil and has fine roots.
  • The stem is green and grooved.
  • Heart-shaped leaves with a pointed tip, flat leaf edges, smooth leaf surface and shiny green waves." ,"The reddish-yellow flowers emerge from the midribs of the leaves.
  • The fruit is oval-shaped like a funnel.

Cultivation of Homalomena humilis
  • Propagation can be done generatively (seeds) and vegetatively (separating seedlings). Pollination is assisted by insects such as beetles and bees.
  • Effective pollination occurs on the first day of flowering, where the aroma of the flowers will increase from 07.00 to 08.00.

Homalomena humilis, more details :

Chemical Content of Homalomena humilis
Saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins and terpenoids.
Benefits of Homalomena humilis
Treating wounds and fever.
Simplisia of Homalomena humilis
Not yet available.
Another Facts for Homalomena humilis :
Synonym of Homalomena humilis
Homalomena propinqua Schott, Aglaonema pygmaeum Hassk., Chamaecladon angustifolium (Jack) Schott
Habitus of Homalomena humilis
Herb. Annual herb, can reach 50-80 cm in height.
Habitat of Homalomena humilis
  • Mainland

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