Tuesday, March 6, 2018

wednesday good morning i do apologize

| wednesday |
good morning
I do apologize for yesterday's typo ...
My Crab cakes became something else...with a (b)
I would think it was Freudian but I love that recipe!
My day today { so far} Every day is different. Woke up at my usual 4am to beat the garbage guy with extra bags, { I did } and started my chores for the day: making lunch for the big guy, coffee and a menu for supper.
After letting both flocks out & feeding /watering them,
I tidied up, threw a load of laundry in, fed the dog 
{ I cook for him 2x a day },
then hopped in the Jeep.
{ after doing a quick clean up job inside }
First stop, make a key at the hardware store,  { had a quick chat with a farmer friend} then headed  up to my accountants office in the pretty countryside for our yearly tax meeting.
After that I  stopped by the market for fresh dinner ingredients.
I did then get to visit my grandkids, aren't they adorable?
After putting in my 2 miles of exercise  in the snow and sleet, I checked on the coops & gathered eggs.
{ by this time I was soaked & chilled through }
{ I purchased these mittens at a sweet summer faire, made from old woolen sweaters with
fleece inside, so comfy!}
I threw sweet potatoes in the oven to roast for supper & made a fire.
Einstein & I are warming ourselves in front of it right now . With a mug of tea in hand with a tangerine & some pistachios, I am going over office work and resting my hurt side { no, I have no idea how that happened } until shoveling has to start. Then I will prepare dinner while making some business calls, fold clothes and run a cleaning cloth over the baths. Just before putting the chickens in for the night I will finish up dinner, tidy up my paperwork and bring in the mail. Evening is all about returning emails and calls for me & the big guy, setting up tomorrow's work and finally settling in to dinner, television time before I fall asleep, usually way before I had planned.
What will you all be doing today? And why did I just subject you all to my day in writing? Have you ever just sat down & written what you do in a day. I mean everything... Above does not  even contain the mundane chores, making the bed, getting myself together, gathering mail etc... I bet if you did, you would see that you do way more than you think you do and you would stop beating up on yourself for the things that don't get done. When we look at Facebook or Pinterest  or Instagram  or even my blog it is natural to compare your life to what you see, we all do that. I am here to remind you that you are seeing only what they want you to see. It may be heavily edited  even, sponsored by products to appear a certain way. Please remember to give it less credence than it deserves. Would I love to have  perfect social media account profiles? Sure, but that is not realistic. Above is my life, my real life. Don't be so hard on yourselves. My philosophy with sharing myself and my life on my blog is that I will never ever pretend to be perfect. There is no such thing. I will show messes and screw-ups and mistakes. I will be imperfect. That's just because I am human.  Hopefully we can all learn together that imperfection is a beautiful thing. It means that we are learning. Just a small message from me. Count those blessings! { and be safe } xxx ooo ~Raven

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