Traditional Herbs from Artemisia vulgaris
- Take 15\u201345 g of new china seeds.
- Grind the seeds until smooth.
- Consume directly.
- Prepare 1 handful of new china roots, 1 thumb of ginger , 1 thumb palm sugar, 4 glasses of water.
- Boil all the ingredients until boiling and the remaining 2 glasses of water.
- Drink 2 times 1 glass a day.
What is Artemisia vulgaris Looks like??
Parts of Artemisia vulgaris that could be used
- Leaves
- Seeds
- Flowers
- Roots
Artemisia vulgaris Distribution
Originating from China, it is also native to temperate regions of Europe, Asia, North Africa and Alaska. Apart from being an ingredient for medicine, this plant can be eaten either cooked or raw as a side dish. Apart from that, the leaves can be used as a cooking spice.Agroecology of Artemisia vulgaris
It grows well in moist soil, rich in humus and organic fertilizer, nitrogenous soil (contains lots of nitrogen), and can live in areas with an altitude of up to 3,000 m above sea level.
Morphology of Artemisia vulgaris
- Tap root, yellow-brown color.
- The stem has many branches, grooves and hairs.
- Leaves are oval, the edges share fingers, the tip is tapered, both surfaces of the leaves have fine hairs, are green, the bottom is colored whiter.
- Small light yellow compound flowers, emerge from the axils of the leaves and the tip of the stalk, hump-shaped, grow downwards.
- Small fruit, brown, needle-shaped.
Cultivation of Artemisia vulgaris
Propagation is carried out vegetatively (basal cuttings/root cuttings) or generatively (seeds).
Artemisia vulgaris, more details :
Chemical Content of Artemisia vulgarisEssential oils, alpha-amyrin, fernenol, dehydeomatricaria ester, cinelo, terpinen- 4-ol, 1-kuebrasitol, inulin (artemose), tannin, oxytocin, yomogialkohol, ridentin, scopoletin, isoskopoletin.
Benefits of Artemisia vulgaris
Healthy female reproduction, epilepsy medicine, treats menstrual pain, vaginal discharge, prolonged fatigue, depression, restlessness, insomnia, anxiety, treats wounds, swelling, canker sores, impotence. Has anticancer, antimalarial and anti-inflammatory activity.
Simplisia of Artemisia vulgaris
- Wash the new Chinese leaves thoroughly with running water then drain.
- Dry in a drying cupboard (temperature \u00b150\u00b0C), until dry.
- After drying, grind them into powder.
- Put the simplicia in a closed container and store at room temperature.
Another Facts for Artemisia vulgaris :
Synonym of Artemisia vulgarisAbsinthium vulgare (L.) Dulac, Artemisia coarctata Forselles, Artemisia vulgaris var. coarctata (Forselles) Hartm.
Habitus of Artemisia vulgaris
Herb. Annual herb, grows upright, reaches 60-160 cm high
Habitat of Artemisia vulgaris
- Bushland
- Grassland
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