Friday, March 2, 2018

| saturday - farmette update & ice box cake |

| saturday |
good morning
We survived the storm down here at the coast with little damage.
{ thoughts to those who are dealing with the effects}
our only casualty: our bbq... LOL!
The sea around the high tide mark. It was pretty awesome. ©theherbshed
today is a drying out day.
I will take some of the plastic off the coops and dry them out with the remaining
stiff breeze that is still occurring.
Big storms have a way of cleaning the air, the yard and washing away the filth
of the winter { though I do know that it is still winter}
the days are getting longer, there are patches of green sprouting up
{ I saw snow drops yesterday }
My blush pussy willow bush has catacombs !
Spring is happening all around us!
May I say that these girls are wild!
The plastic would rip off the coops in the 60mph wind and they would sit up there, all
in the blowing rain and want to come out!
They would rather drink out of dirty puddles than their waterers.
My buff flock is a bit more refined ...
they stayed warm & dry in their coops, they had no desire to come out.
Poor Beast, he has to corral them all in...
For those wondering about my sick chicken, she is doing much better.
before the storm, Tobykeith even took her to visit his old bachelor pad in the corn crib.
Quick for a Saturday evening supper dessert, my mother used to call this Ice Box Cake.
{ classic New England pot luck dish! }
She would have many variations: pistachio pudding was my favorite!
You can make it with organic & or GF ingredients, even adding bananas with banana pudding.
You can easily make this your own by changing out one thing.
Off to tidy up Moonshadows...
Remember to follow theherbshed on Instagram to see constant that
is up to the minute. Add us and we will add you!
May your Saturday be filled with perfectly made coffees and
many blessings...
xxx ooo
~ R

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