Monday, July 11, 2022

👀 Hugonia griffithiana

Traditional Herbs from Hugonia griffithiana


  • Prepare the roots of ipoh then wash them until clean.
  • Boil the roots with\u00a0150 ml until boiling.
  • Drink 3 times a day for 3 days.


  • Take the bark plant\u00a0white ipoh roots.
  • Heat then mash until smooth.
  • Apply\u00a0directly to the rheumatic area to relieve it.\u00a0

What is Hugonia griffithiana Looks like??

Parts of Hugonia griffithiana that could be used

  • Leaves", "Bark", "Flowers", "Roots", "Stems", "All Parts of the Plant

Hugonia griffithiana Distribution

White ipoh root is a climbing plant whose original distribution ranges from India (Nicobar Island), Thailand, to Malesia (Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, Kalimantan and Java). The bark of this species emits a very poisonous sap and is often used by people in traditional wars between tribes as a poison mixture for arrows. Meanwhile in Sarawak, the wood is also used to make machete handles. Apart from that, this species also has properties as a traditional medicine which is believed to be able to treat various disease complaints.
Agroecology of Hugonia griffithiana
White ipoh roots are often found growing in open places, such as agricultural areas, secondary forests and rain forests, at altitudes of up to 1,500 m above sea level. On quite varied soils, but often found in swampy places.
Morphology of Hugonia griffithiana
  • Stems up to 3 cm in diameter, white or almost white, the twigs have hard hooks. Stipules are triangular to ovate.
  • Leaves are alternate, elliptical to ovate, with a blunt tip with a tail (caudate ) to pointed (acuminate) and rarely round, the base of the leaves is cuneate, the edges are slightly toothed, green, shiny, about 7-10 pairs of veins, more or less curved upwards almost reaching the border.
  • Flowers in small bundles in the leaf axils. Sepals elliptical to ovate or round. Petals (corolla) are thin, elliptical to ovate, white to bright yellow, pale orange or reddish brown. Yellow stamens, bright yellow anthers, light yellow pistils.
  • Drupe fruit, yellow to red (diameter 8 mm), seeds, elongated ribbed when dry, ovate to ellipsoid, mesocarp \u00b1 ribbed, fibrous.
  • 1 (or 2) seeds, attached to the abdomen, semi-ovoid, testa thin.

Cultivation of Hugonia griffithiana
Generative propagation using seeds.

Hugonia griffithiana, more details :

Chemical Content of Hugonia griffithiana
Contains substances such as saponin.
Benefits of Hugonia griffithiana
Treats stomach aches, constipation, malaria, rheumatism, headaches.
Simplisia of Hugonia griffithiana

Another Facts for Hugonia griffithiana :
Synonym of Hugonia griffithiana
Hugonia sumatrana Miq., Indorouchera griffithiana (Planch.) Hallier f., Roucheria griffithiana Planch.
Habitus of Hugonia griffithiana
Creepers. Vines, lianas, up to 30 m long
Habitat of Hugonia griffithiana
  • Wetland
  • Forest
  • Land

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