Saturday, December 2, 2017

| where I answer the question of why 4:30am |

| sunday |
good morning!
Today is ugly Christmas sweater Christmas tree adoption day!
{ if you follow my Instagram account>>>>over there>>>>
you may see the photos in real time }
Yesterday's event went amazingly with a record number of
folks in attendance. 
What the lovely people do to organize this is nothing short of magical.
The children, oh the children! 
All so excited to see Santa and all have grown so much since last year!
I was humbled by their dedication and unconditional  love.
That is Queen Bee and her sweet Elfie above.
A truly magical event.
Also magical was a glimpse of the Super Moon before the clouds took over.
As promised, it was, well... super!.
On to the #1 question I get asked in person or my email:
I get asked often, " why do you wake up so early?"
{ or variations of it...}
Logical question I suppose.
4:30 may be a bit early for some, except my Paternal grandmother, Rose.
She woke every morning at 4:30am sharp.
I have no idea, but I do know that is when I establish my priorities
for the day.
I take in the peace & quiet...
and listen...
Listening for your heart to respond to prayer is just as important as the prayers
I nourish myself simply...
mostly veggies and eggs, not so much GF toast anymore
I pray for those in my life who need some positive light coming their way
and for my health & my families health and then give thanks for all I have.
 I have a healthy body, food, warmth, family & friends and a purpose.
I am blessed.
It really is the simple little things which stabilize us and give us courage
to try new adventures.
It all starts with appreciating what you have already.
staying present in this very moment.
Children do this every day.
More of that for us is exactly what is needed to find peace.
 Take the time to embrace your inner 10 year old.
I know that I write about this a lot, 
but it stands knowing that it works, it really does!
In the mornings I pray to be the best me that I can.
That way I can be there for when others need me.
Enjoy your mornings, whatever time they come.
Start your day filled with hope & wonder that this day will be the best yet.
Count those blessings...
xxx ooo

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