Thursday, November 30, 2017

| festive salad & welcome December! |

| friday |
good afternoon
Today was a whirl.
I know that I got many things accomplished and that I have been going since 4:30am
but if you asked me, I would not be able to tell you what exactly it was.
Tomorrow I get to attend one of my favorite events of the year.
I get to meet with the sweetest families I know while they have a hearty breakfast and
every child gets to meet santa...& I did hear that there is over 90 children this year!
I get to entertain the families and share in the joy of their season.
The volunteers who put this event together are the true angels.
I am grateful to be a part and will debut Queen Bee's new holiday finery.
{ the jacket is from Austria, vintage with elk horn buttons }
Photos forthcoming....
This weekend we will also see another super moon.
I always put some crystals in the windows at these special times of the year.
The magic of the moonbeams I imagine is  contained within each one.
Nothing makes me happier than sitting in the window seat and moon bathing while
the twinkle lights hang off the coops & trees...well, a bit of snow perhaps. 
There are 5 weekends in the month...
I am hoping to fill them all with memories of people and places that
I love and care for.
For the first time in a long time, all of my girls are on the East coast,
extended family is visiting as well as friends to meet and welcome my nephew
He will be staying stateside with us for a few weeks and I am so excited.
The last time I saw him he was 4, now he is 18 and here wanting to see
where his father grew up and to meet his family.
I get to experience Christmas through his eyes...
This year was a year of losses...
Our darling Wolfie passed over the rainbow bridge to be with his brother
Winter who we lost last year.
It was heart wrenching ...and I miss him every day.
My sweet wandering chicken who yodeled and had more adventures in his year and a half
life than most will ever have, John also left us.
He will always be a member of the 'original flock'....
and in my heart.
As the year closes, get a bit nostalgic .
By looking back I can see growth, or not.
I can remember folks and family members who are never really lost to us.
I make my lists
{ surprised? }
and of course, count my blessings...
Have you scheduled time to reflect?
Time to really remember what transpired this past 11 months in your life?
I am finding that it is in reflecting that I gain awareness of 
so many things that I would have missed.
My mom would say," look back occasionally , but don't stare"
Wise woman.
Lois's daughter...
I never forget.
That is her above, with Santa.
{ she had him come to the bank she managed back in the day }
When we are asked to "bring something" this party season,
I usually bring my trifle GF or this.
A  GF layered salad.
Isn't it festive?
Chopped greens
Black beans
Red onions
Green olives with pimento 
Sweet corn
Chopped avocado 
Orange pepper
Cherry Tomatoes 
I whip up a creamy garlic dressing.
{ plus it is something that I can eat too }
On to start my wrapping ...
have a lovely weekend kittens!
xxx ooo

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