Monday, July 3, 2017

| trifle -again & pride |

| tuesday |
4th of July!
did you guys witness fireworks last night?
I planned on going but my migraine stopped all of that.
I was happy to *not* hear a ton of fireworks in my neighborhood.
Most people have no idea how that  scares the dickens out of
pets and livestock.
So yay.
Today I am starting out with a coffee.
I had tried stopping caffeine, and I am not sure if that started this migraine that
will not end, so coffee it is.
I have posted this trifle recipe before.
Today you may get asked to a BBQ with nothing to bring.
Pick up:
carton of whipping cream
any cookie that can withstand moisture
{ stella dora makes a few kinds}
*the GF version is out of stock *
and berries
whip the cream with 1T of powered sugar
{ I have made this without it}
1t of vanilla flavoring
layer the cookies first
crumble cookies on top.
My favorite 4th food will forever be the cheeseburger.
{ and tuna mac salad made by my mom}
Quite honestly, I could eat these {without the roll}
every day of my life.
I am secretly wishing restaurants would offer burgers and eggs for 
breakfast one day.
Growing up,
my mom would host picnics and this was the food of choice:
Lobster roll.
2 schools of thought on this one:
with mayo or without
I just loved the lobster casserole- skip the bun all together!
Now, I just pick on a whole one because there is no wheat in lobster and
cross contamination rarely occurs in a lobster pot.
But where I am from, this is a big divide.
When it comes to patriotic holidays, I am a huge supporter.
I grew up in a neighborhood  full of immigrants who served in the military.
We all would get together and I remember the stories of 
how they traveled from their countries & the sad often heartbreaking stories of war.
One thing was evident:
How much pride they took in being an American and how far they would go
to defend our freedoms.
I loved listening to their stories especially the ones about becoming a citizen and
owning their first home.
Our neighborhood was newly built in the 1960's and they all had the most beautiful gardens, lawns and finely decorated exteriors.
The forth was a big block party and many would grill out as we visited one anothers
driveways, having a soda or coffee here & there, while us kids played amongst the houses.
Wonderful memories.
What is your favorite memory?
You see, it is the memories that live on & the feelings that you get remembering them that are important.
May today be filled with those.
xxx ooo 
Count those blessings!

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