Sunday, July 2, 2017

| un- monday |

| monday |
good morning...
It truly is a weird day here.
After a weekend full of so much, Mondays are usually for
getting back on track and routine.
Yet, tomorrow is another holiday.
So, with fits & starts this week of July gets it's fine self off & running.
Here's hoping the rest of the month is smoother.
I will be reading this when I get time over the next 2 days.
I picked it up at the book barn and on a national holiday, I thought it would
be the perfect read.
{ I like reading seasonal books as well as holiday themed ones... }
Reading is my vacation.
I can go anywhere, do anything with anyone I wish as I get drawn into a novel or even a
non-fictional book.
...and don't get me started on cook books!
It has been 4 days of having this migraine.
I am not sure why ...
I am avoiding allergens and the weather has been wonderful.
But I have not slept well in days.
A call to the Dr. tomorrow may be in order.
Speaking of headaches:
Do you run into people throughout the course of your day who may be
socially & or emotionally challenged?
They just don't get how rude they are or perhaps do not care.
I have run into many this weekend.
For me, I always examine my behaviors in any given situation to see my part.
That is the way my mom raised me.
Yet the nasties get my goat every time.
* something to work on I suppose.
I can just continue to spend my time gardening instead.
Plants are rarely rude.
* except for pricker bushes...
I will be planting some gardens around the chieken run today.
Keeping it smelling fine and looking happy while interspersing veggie plants is my goal.
I have planted many an herb garden but small ones that I can change about are my new favorites.
Medicinal & cooking herbs are my favorites, though I have been growing some
in their favorite spots here at Moonshadows for decades, like my Comfrey, lemon balm, tansy & various mints.
They all faithfully self seed & run runners and come back every year.
Tonight are my hometown fireworks.
I can still remember laying on the beach watching them with my friends.
We may venture to a friends beach house to catch them, depending upon 
our exhaustion levels.
* after all it is a work day.
Whatever you are doing friends, have a wonderful & safe day!
I shall meet you back here in the am.
Count those blessings!
xxx ooo

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