Tuesday, July 4, 2017

| happy mond...wait, tues...nope. wednesday! |

| wednesday |
Dumpster day!
Lol! It is the day that our dumpster gets emptied and for some reason that makes me happy.
Go figure!
It is also the day after one of the most awkward holidays ever.
Tuesday holiday...after a Monday work day.
Did I catch fireworks?
yes, the Capitol ones on T.V.
Did I eat BBQ?
Nope. Big guy still fighting gout, so to be fair to him, no meat.
Did I catch a parade?
No, but I did catch many hours in passing of Captain America Movies that the Mr.
was watching.
Did I enjoy myself?
Yep, visited a local farm for feed & left with wonderful produce.
Had breakfast with the Mr. at his cousins' restaurant on the water.
Not a bad day.
I am out the door to bring our furry baby to the vet for his checkup.
Einstein is my youngest daughters dog who lives like a king here with us.
Since the passing of our Wolfie, he has been by our sides almost continuously .
He is a love & has more energy at 15 than I do.
And though I could spend hours talking about the latest couture runway shows...
the fact that Nike is launching this Cinderella sneaker,
I have to be going.
So I post these photos, the best of the best instead.
{ yes, while he was watching all those movies I was catching these shows }
Have a super day kittens.
Do not stress out...
It is already the middle of the week!
xxx ooo
So count those blessings!
~ R

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