Thursday, June 29, 2017

| Fri- Yay! again.... |

| fri-yay |
good afternoon kittens!
I have been a busy me today  so please excuse my late posting.
This morning at 5:45 I started scrubbing out the girl's coops.
This involved taking out the old hay & accoutrements from the winter,
putty knifing the old dried poo spots, dusting the whole coop, washing the windows,
and then disinfecting it.
I finished it by 8:30 & let it dry.
Then I had a patriotic manicure/ pedicure .
Came back to do a bit of office work then....
clean basin before
I washed my chickens.
Took the advice of my chicken chick guru Kathy & just
plunged right in, so to speak.
dirty basin afterwards
I have not seen mites at all but to be sure I did not think that this would hurt.
I really need to see signs of feather growth soon.
I also added feather growth {organic} booster to their diet.
No photos of the dunking & butt washing because I was washing chickens,
but I am pretty sure they are a bit peeved at me.
{ though it must have felt wonderfully cooling.
Dollyparton & Carrieunderwood...preening.
Could always have  been worse ladies!
So can we chat?
* grab a coffee or tea *
Life here at Moonshadows has been topsy turvy, chaotic, unsettled and in a state 
of flux / waiting.
Sounds crazy right?
yep, a bit.
But my whole life has been filled with these moments that bring about the
most exciting and life changing events that I have ever had. { to that point}
I just wanted to thank all of you for being the anchors that ground me for at least a few moments every day as I write this blog.
I can cryptically allude to things without you all freaking out but better than that,'you offer support and wise words.
Things are moving forward in several directions.
Once something *pops* I shall let you all know.
For now, you get me doing my thing here.
Oh & a give away soon as well because, actual reason other than
to say thank you.
* stay tuned!
May all of you have a wonderfully safe & happy weekend!
Thank you again, you are all so amazing!
My pallet flag that I made last part of the chicken shanty. 
I leave you with the best brownie recipe I have
I GF it but it does not effect the taste at all
{ I use cup4cup}
Easy to pack & here is my secret tip...
Bring it with you in the car.
When you use your hidden ice cream $$$, make sandwiches out of them.
Count those blessings! 
xxx ooo

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