Friday, June 30, 2017

|easy healthy bfast idea...stay in the light.

| saturday |
good morning kittens!
I have been out in the yard loading up on stones & gravel & sand 
to plug up the holes made by varmints last night.
When I come in after an hour or so of that, I need to eat.
Lately, after my allergy testing I have stayed away from Gf products
and anything that even looks like bread.
But I need a hearty b-fast to fuel the rest of my day...
Here is my new fix for that:
Take a non stick pan & add olive oil.
When hot, add a handful of organic frozen french fries
and a handful of organic frozen veggies.
Fry up and add spices.
{ cumin, ginger, turmeric,pepper, garlic and fresh herbs from the garden for me}
plate it when heated through & slightly crunchy.
Fry up an egg
{ over easy for me }
and top the veggies potato mixture.
Simple and hearty.
I am excited to share in my town & home towns' celebration this weekend and Monday/Tuesday.
There was a time that we would host many bbq's and picnics because our home was filled with
children & their friends { & ours}
Now, we can visit many local events and see friends while connecting
again after many busy months.
Our life just gets more crazy with business and work every passing day.
Finding ways to re-connect with ourselves and our loved ones is a huge priority.
These spans of time that we can step back and evaluate our life
can give us fresh perspective again.
Over time, the negativity of others and the outside world can rub off on us.
We start getting down, snipping at one another and before you know it...
we are sad , off track and starting to spread the negativity ourselves.
Do you have people who can't seem to get over themselves and their
negativity ?
What do you do to move beyond it?
Again, I will add this:
I want to move towards light & growth.
I can't be bogged down in others baggage.
I have things to do.
Like dipping my chickens again...
re-designing my wardrobe space for my costumes...
Have a wonderful day.
Do not let negativity touch you this weekend.
Live in the light!
Count those blessings!
xxx ooo

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