Sunday, April 16, 2017

| natural allergy & bug fix's |

| Monday |
good morning.
Hope that you all had a wonderful weekend.
It was breathtakingly beautiful.
This is Pocahontas rock at the country place.
It is where I go to find peace, a breeze and perspective by the river.
{ it was nearly 80* !!! }
The sudden warm weather made everything bloom.
So I now have hives & allergies to deal with.
Luckily I also have Claritin.
Just as I swear by Turmeric for my inflammation,
I swear by local raw honey for my seasonal pollen allergies.
Soon I will be tested again by my allergist so I will know not just
tree allergies but what trees & grasses & pets in way more detail.
Even our pets can show signs of allergies.
After our walk through the forest, I always check for ticks
{ big guy has had it 3 times already}
And bug spray season is right around the corner.
When I had the Herb Shop- Shop I used to sell the best bug spray (organic & natural )
I have since forgotten that vendor but I may just try these recipes this year:
And speaking of annoying {lol}
This is this years due date.
{ I do thank my accountant- this year I made him & his wife a raspberry danish}
This is the start of a very busy time for most people.
With sports & picnics and events every weekend, It helps to pack a basket in the car
with all those necessities that you may need.
* sunscreen, bug spray
* blanket for picnics
* extra hats
*water, snacks 
*dog/ pet needs 
{ frisbee :)  }
*binoculars and guide books
{ I also pack $10. for "emergency ice cream visits" }
Planning ahead will make this upcoming season 
easier for all.
Happy Monday.

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