Saturday, April 15, 2017

| Easter blessings |

| happy easter |
good morning!
I awoke to my rooster Beast crowing at 4am!
He is ready for the new day and I hear that the weather will be fantastic!
I am hosting my whole family this morning for breakfast .
We then will travel to a magical place
{ check my Instagram for photos }
and just enjoy one another & the day.
I have marked this day as the day of renewal for myself.
It is the day where old ideas are dropped and new ones start.
I am saying goodbye to situations that only
in the end brought me strife  and that did not serve my heart & finally saying yes to
some that have have been faithfully waiting in the wings for me all along.
🍭🐇🌞- Easter Blessings
And so much love...
~ R
xxx ooo

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