Friday, April 14, 2017

| héros & vintage I roll...|

| saturday |
That quiet day between good friday & easter...
It has always been a day for introspection.
This year, every day has been a day for introspection
as I am molded into a better version of myself.
I was thinking of my heroes & mentors, all of the
amazing people who got me this far by being an example of 
who I wish to become in character & spirit.
They change me a bit every day & I am forever grateful.
However, I see that the people struggling
so hard seem to have forgotten what a mentor or hero is.
No, it is not a Marvel or DC comic.
{ though I am a fan of at least one}
Those are teaching tools for how to act.
Heroes are people we aspire to be, people of integrity.
People who rise to every occasion with class and strength.
Do we even have them anymore?
I mean everyone can be a "celebrity" right?
Look who we as a society are putting up on a pedestal.
I do believe we need more heroes.
People who do the right thing especially when no one is looking.
I am sure that we need less whiners & negative Neds & Debbie downers
and "look what I can do to gain famers"
We need basic, good souls who do the next right thing.
2 rants in a week.
Sorry Herb Shed readers...
On to the celebration of Spring & this blessed time of the year.
I am still healing today from my procedure yesterday.
But I will also be cooking & baking for tomorrow.
This vintage recipe is darling & I remember my mom
making it.
 Now we have pans in the shapes of everything under the sun...
This was the best version of a bunny that was available back then.
Kind of scary....
For me, Easter is the start of salad season...
but to start that off, this German potato salad
{ it is served hot}
was one of  my mothers favorites.
Of course there will be plenty of food...
{ mostly healthy }
But the milk , 1/2 & 1/2, chocolate milk, butter etc....
all local & most from organic farms.
Our Brunch menu  will be:
Baked Country Ham
Twice baked breakfast potatoes
{ idaho's with bacon & scrambled eggs { my flock! }
& cheddar filling }
Fruit Salad
GF treats of all kinds!
Lemon tart
Funfetti cupcakes
Sugar cookies
Then it is off to a super surprise destination. { if you follow me on Instagram, you will find out in real time! }
The best part is that I get to celebrate with my whole family.
That is simply everything.
May your weekend bring you happiness & memories
my friends.
I will see you Monday, right back here at The Herb Shed.
Until then, you can find me
on Instagram >>>>>>>
{ click over there }
Blessings, light & love.
~ R

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