Wednesday, August 12, 2015

| Live lighter | a small guide.

| Thursday |
Good Morning!
Sometimes when life is a bit too serious we all forget to laugh. 
You know, a big belly laugh just to relieve some stress.
living a life of lightness, even for a few moments is so good for your soul.
Do things "just for fun" with no reason at all!
This was much easier when we had a home full of children.
Why ever not now?
As adults we so forgot how to do this...
As adults, you can get far too caught up in all the seriousness of the world far too quickly.
Our news feeds bring us endless
 "breaking news" 
items for us to ponder while we are just trying to have a life.
I care, I do...
Yet what the heck can I do about what is happening across the globe when the dogs just got into the garbage ate the contents & threw up & poo'd it out all over????
I need to tend to my life.
I need to re-direct my focus on the here & now.
and upon having a lighter spirit.
When I look at nature I notice that the birds at my feeder stay & live in the moment.
Do they worry about rain over the weekend?
They just pound down the 20lbs. of seed I just filled the feeders with.
I am looking forward to being more unplugged in the future and living for the day, in the day.
Doing cool things like this:
Use waterproofing spray to make this!
Thrust open the door & go for a run/walk/ bike ride without your phone. 
Come back when you are tired.
{ or hungry, or like have to pee }
Throw some edible flowers in ice
{ or gummy bears...;) }
Use a bleach pen to transform a t-shirt into a work of art.
{ again, brilliant. }
Color a strand of hair
just a bit underneath...
Eat Cake.
just eat cake for goodness sake!
{if you are gf eat gf cake }
but listen, if you are doing all the right things in your life that will keep your body happy,
cake in your face will make your face happy.
You will smile just thinking about a big old piece of cake...
like now.
I have a weird sense of humor.
But these make me giggle.
I must set this up next summer!!!
I thought that I would share.
Have a blessed day kittens....
{ and don't get caught between the wall and have deli meats thrown on you ;)  }

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