Thursday, August 13, 2015

| peanut butter oatmeal bars | summer your weekend

| Friday |
 Good Morning
Ah, Friday. 
That magical day that everyone longs for at the end of the week.
This is a sweet list, not all I favor however, I ask you again...
have you done everything that you wished that you wanted to do this summer?
This next week will be THAT WEEK to go and seek that adventure, that peace & that necessary down time with your loved ones.
Now these are super easy & 
perfect for taking on a summer adventure!
Lately, I miss just being a kid myself and  having no idea of the world.
{ as I have expressed over the past few posts... }
Humans have been doing some very saddening things lately.
I used to go onto the internet to escape....
Now I can't get away from it.
Greed, selfishness, unkind acts, stupidity, ignorance, cruelty.
It affects me in a way I am learning that others can deal with. 
Surely not me,  & not now at this super stress filled time in my life.
There is no safe harbor, no foundation of people who make me feel capable and strong.
 I have to build myself up.
I feel as if I am in a stormy ocean...the waves are
 the intense people who demand that I humble myself to them
 the beach filled with rocks?
 is what my emotions are getting hurled upon.
I don't like it.
Not one bit.
But I am trying to keep my head up.
Up above the waves....
even when 
so many are screaming at me to just get out of the water, 
wondering out loud  why I never learned how to swim properly.
 while you are out there, 
could you catch us a fish for dinner?
there is no gentle hand to pull me up into the boat.
I am learning that ended with my mother.
I must learn how to do that for myself.
Do I sound melancholy?
Am I overwhelmed?
yes ma'am
This will pass...
I am learning that I can have moments of utter frustration and still be able to have a good day.
This is life.
This is why I love life.
It can be messy & sad and at times completely overwhelming.
But still, the lovely moments are there if you look for them.
You just have to look harder.
I have been working my stress out in rehabbing my tired body.
This week I logged 9 miles walking
 with no major stress on the knees, 
ham string
groin injuries.
 I also worked with light weights every other day and upped my protein in my diet to build muscle.
I am sore, that is to be expected.
But I am on the road to feeling stronger.
Which is my goal.
Life will never be completely fair or perfect or sunny every day.
But the fact that my eyes opened, my feet hit the floor and my loved ones are safe makes my start a good one.
I just have to have faith that it will all work out for the best.
It is Summer.
Go out there...collect memories and put them in a jar.
Live that life full out.
Count those blessings!

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