Tuesday, August 11, 2015

| 300?? wow, and a new resolve |

| Wednesday |
I have 299 followers on FB!
To celebrate my impending 300th I shall have a give away!
So look back often for me posting when it finally happens!
As much as I would like to give these away...I can't.  But what I shall give is very nice as well!
So today is the day that I stop feeling badly about my middle and work on it.
It has been 24 years since my last baby and I still have a baby belly.
It has gotten worse over the past few months as I stopped running to finally give my hamstring & ligament in my groin & my 2 cracked knees a chance to heal after running for 4 years or so 3 or more times a week..
I am one who when I get to a certain point decides to actually do something about it.
even 24 years later....
It did not help that I have had 5 abdominal  surgeries & 2 major back surgeries over the years as well. 
My middle is non existent. 
As I age I see where that can cause issues...with balance, repeated injuries to other parts of my body and overall health.
So today, I will make this a priority.
I need a healthier core to be able to work. 
I must bend down & squat hundreds of times a day as a performer.
It is also a great time to do this as my life is busy & in flux no control right now.
This will give me focus and help me to remember to keep the negativity out of my life.
I have control over that....by my reactions and my ability to either join in the chaos or refuse to participate.
A healthier me will certainly bring about a more positive life for sure.
I am excited to start!
My apple tree and Plum tree have been busy ...
Here we are picking...
making apple sauce & plum sauce today.
as well as some sugared plums.
Big guy gathering plums.
2nd basket!
apples & plums from my very own trees!!!
I always forget how fast the crop comes in every year & am surprised at the amount!
All good things to remember!
Count those blessings kittens!

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