Saturday, December 4, 2021

🔓 Macaranga tanarius

Traditional Herbs from Macaranga tanarius


  • Take the bark of the mara plant and wash it until clean.
  • Boil it with water until it boils.
  • Then drink it after it cools.


  • Prepare enough mara leaves.", "Wash it thoroughly with running water.
  • Pound the leaves until they become a paste.
  • Put it on the injured part.

What is Macaranga tanarius Looks like??

Parts of Macaranga tanarius that could be used

  • Leaves
  • Bark
  • Fruit
  • Roots
  • Stems

Macaranga tanarius Distribution

Mara plants originate from Southeast Asia, spreading to Australia and the Western Pacific islands. In Indonesia, it is widespread in the areas of East Kalimantan, Sumatra, Java. It is a medium-sized tree cultivated in tropical areas for wood production, traditional medicine and as shade. In the Philippines, the bark and leaves are used in making a fermented drink called 'Basi'.
Agroecology of Macaranga tanarius
This plant is found in the lowlands up to an altitude of 2,100 m above sea level, grows well at an average annual temperature of 20-30°C, average annual rainfall of 800-1,200 mm/year. Likes full sun, clayey soil, sandy and rocky soil, well-drained, and has a pH of 5.5-7.
Morphology of Macaranga tanarius
  • The stem is round, smooth, slightly gray-green in color and sometimes has but small buttresses.
  • Leaves are single, alternate, round oval with a sharp tip, 8-23 cm long, soft green and slightly white on the part bottom.
  • The flowers are located at the end of the stalk, yellowish green, the flowers are covered in bundles.
  • The fruit bears three capsules each containing seeds, with the outer skin covered with soft spines.
  • The seeds are round with a diameter of 4-4.5 mm, black.

Cultivation of Macaranga tanarius
  • Propagation is done generatively (using seeds).
  • Seed seeding has a germination rate of 50% in 24-72 days.

Macaranga tanarius, more details :

Chemical Content of Macaranga tanarius
Tanarifuranonol, tanariflavonone, tannins, steroids, (mallotinic acid, corilagin, macarinin A, geranilin, mallotunin), terpenoids, macatanarin D.
Benefits of Macaranga tanarius
Medicine for dysentery, hemoptysis, fever, healing of inflammatory wounds, toothache, contraceptives, medicine for itching, diarrhea, vomiting.
Simplisia of Macaranga tanarius
  • Take fresh mara leaves, sort them and wash them with running water.
  • Dry them in direct sunlight.
  • After drying, grind them and sift them to obtain a homogeneous powder.
  • Store the powder in a closed container well and protected from light.

Another Facts for Macaranga tanarius :
Synonym of Macaranga tanarius
Croton laccifer Blanco, Macaranga molliuscula Kurz, Macaranga tanarius var. genuina Müll.Arg.
Habitus of Macaranga tanarius
Tree. Annual tree, up to 20 m high
Habitat of Macaranga tanarius
  • Riverside", "Forest", "Coast", "Grassland

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