Sunday, August 2, 2020

🔴 Pontederia vaginalis

Traditional Herbs from Pontederia vaginalis


  • Prepare enough fresh water hyacinth roots.
  • Wash until clean and there is no dirt attached.
  • Chew the roots in your mouth, suck the juice, remove the dregs.


  • Prepare water water hyacinth leaves fresh rice to taste.
  • Wash it thoroughly then mash it into a paste.
  • Put it on the boil.

What is Pontederia vaginalis Looks like??

Parts of Pontederia vaginalis that could be used

  • Leaves
  • Flowers
  • Roots

Pontederia vaginalis Distribution

This plant is thought to originate from Asia and is widespread throughout the islands in the Pacific Ocean, Southeast Asia, and India. This plant is a weed that can be used as a medicinal plant, vegetable, animal feed and crafts. Sometimes grown as an ornamental plant.
Agroecology of Pontederia vaginalis
This plant grows in watery areas such as swamps, fresh water ponds, muddy areas and rice fields, with an optimum pH of 5.0-6.5, at a land height of 0-700 m above sea level. Likes sufficient sunlight, annual daytime temperature 22-35 °C, average annual rainfall 1,200-2,000 mm/year.
Morphology of Pontederia vaginalis
  • The root\u00a0fibrous, white, and easy to pull out.
  • The false stem (rhizome) is short.
  • The leaves are oval-shaped with a pointed tip and the base of the leaf forms a heart. The length of the leaf is 2-12.5 cm and 0.5-10 cm wide, vascular bundles spread out. Leaf stems are hollow, less than 30 cm long and grow from the base of the plant.
  • Flowers are spikelet-shaped, 3-6 cm long, each spikelet has about 3-25 flowers. Purple flower corolla, 6 strands, 11-15 mm long, flower stalk 4-25 mm.
  • Seeds\u00a0oval in shape with 8\u201312 seed lines.

Cultivation of Pontederia vaginalis
  • Propagation using seeds and shoots.
  • The time from planting to harvest is 30 days. Harvesting is done by removing the entire plant down to the roots.

Pontederia vaginalis, more details :

Chemical Content of Pontederia vaginalis
Amino acids, alkaloids, saponins, phenolic compounds, tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, cardiac glycosides, phytosterols, alnustone, anigorufone, anigorootin, phenylphenalenone.
Benefits of Pontederia vaginalis
Treats stomach, liver, shortness of breath, toothache, stomach ache, fever, cough and ulcers.
Simplisia of Pontederia vaginalis
  • Choose fresh leaves. Clean them of any dirt that sticks to them. Wash them then drain them.
  • Place them on a container then dry them in the sun for a few days and cover them with a dark colored thin cloth.
  • After drying, put them in a clean plastic bag that is tightly closed or airtight.

Another Facts for Pontederia vaginalis :
Synonym of Pontederia vaginalis
Gomphima vaginalis� (Burm.f.) Raf., Monochoria loureiroi� Kunth, Monochoria pauciflora� (Blume) Kunth, Monochoria vaginalis (Burm.f.) C.Presl, Pontederia cordata Lour., Pontederia loureiroana Schult. & Schult.f., Pontederia pauciflora Blume, Pontederia vaginata Royle, �
Habitus of Pontederia vaginalis
Aquatic Plants. Annual aquatic plant, 10-50 cm high
Habitat of Pontederia vaginalis
  • Water Plants

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