Friday, July 31, 2020

⚡️ Portulaca oleracea

Traditional Herbs from Portulaca oleracea


  • Boil 9-13 g of fresh purslane in 3 glasses of water until it boils and 1 glass of water remains. Cool and strain.
  • Drink 1 time a day.


  • Prepare 13 g of purslane and 25 g of fresh spoon leaves, boiled in 3 glasses of water until boiling and 1 glass of water remaining.
  • Drink 2 times 1 glass a day.

What is Portulaca oleracea Looks like??

Parts of Portulaca oleracea that could be used

  • Leaves", "Roots", "Stems", "All Parts of the Plant

Portulaca oleracea Distribution

Purslane is thought to originate from mainland tropical America (Brazil). Spread in tropical areas and areas with four seasons. Generally planted as an ornamental and medicinal plant. Apart from being an ornamental plant and traditional medicine which has many health benefits, purslane is also eaten as a leaf vegetable in many regions in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Mexico.
Agroecology of Portulaca oleracea
A weed that grows in the lowlands up to 1,800 m above sea level. Grows wild in the field, likes sandy and clay soils. It has good adaptive characteristics to the environment, so it can live in conditions where the land lacks water.
Morphology of Portulaca oleracea
  • Tap root, dirty white.
  • Purple red stem, round, smooth, fleshy, segmented, grows upright in part or in whole.
  • Single leaf, fleshy, thick, base and tip obtuse, flat leaf edge green , 1-3 cm long, and 1-2 cm wide.
  • Compound flowers, located at the ends of the branches, small, green petals, yellow heart-shaped crown, three to five white pistils, or yellow.
  • Fruit is box-shaped, has many seeds, green.
  • Seeds are round, small, shiny, and black.

Cultivation of Portulaca oleracea
  • Propagation via seeds that dry out and fall to the surface of the ground and stem cuttings.
  • Planting method, namely planting directly and then covering with compost.
  • Harvest time is 20-30 days after planting, by harvesting the shoots every 2-3 Sunday.

Portulaca oleracea, more details :

Chemical Content of Portulaca oleracea
Alkaloids, steroids/terpenoids, tannins, saponins, flavonoids, organic acids (oxalic acid, caffeic acid, malic acid, citric acid).
Benefits of Portulaca oleracea
Treat acute inflammation of the appendix, dysentery and acute diarrhea, breast inflammation, vaginal discharge, urinary system disorders, bloody urination, jaundice, worms, shortness of breath, wounds, body weakness, lethargy and aches.
Simplisia of Portulaca oleracea
  • Wash the purslane with running water until clean.
  • Dry it in the oven at a temperature of 40-60\u00b0C or you can dry it in the sun for 5-7 days.
  • Dry purslane. Store in an airtight container for extraction .

Another Facts for Portulaca oleracea :
Synonym of Portulaca oleracea
Portulaca aurea DC., Portulaca consanguinea Schltdl., Portulaca cryptopetala var. poellnitziana (D.Legrand) D.Legrand, �
Habitus of Portulaca oleracea
Herb. Annual herb, up to 50 cm high
Habitat of Portulaca oleracea
  • Wetland", "Riverside", "Forest", "Coastal", "Grassland

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