Saturday, March 3, 2018

| Country house update |

| sunday |
good morning
It is still breezy out there...
Amazing, the power of Mother Nature!
Though I am not surprised at all.
It is just common sense not to underestimate the power
of the seasons. 
This past storm was not the worst that we have seen here.
However, our friends up in Massachusetts have had it rough.
We have taken care of many tattered waterfront homes
to never want the responsibility or liability of living in one.
As the years have progressed, the land becomes more populated
with people insisting upon putting million dollar homes
closer to the tide line.
Our favorite spot for seafood...literally under sea water.
And in my experience, unless you are in a protected cove,
that time line is moving inland every year.
No amount of concrete is going to keep it away.
Luckly, our clients fared well this round.
This week was a busy one for us.
Working 12 hour days and working up at the country house has us 
I have upped our immune boosting foods, but I do think that I need to make it
{ page for the recipe in the tabs above}
The country house got it's new bathtub yesterday- woohoo!
The heating & cooling is almost done.
And it is almost daffodil time!
One of the past owner planted hundreds & hundreds of them around the property
and around the beach area to the river. 
I am hoping to have some photographer friends up
to finally document it this season.
Spring will be here before you know it.
The seasons always fight it out in New England before it happens though.
I sense there will be a touch more Winter...
Today we are purchasing a new kitchen faucet for Moonshadows.
I am done trying to figure out why the water pressure just falls off.
Funny, I have been up to my arm pits in bathroom fixtures for the country house.
It is as if Moonshadows is jealous.
This is the feel for the showers...white with white.
Our floors up there are wide old worn with time planks.
I like that rustic feel against the tidy simple, classic white.
Hoping to stop in our friends salvage yard too...
I would love an old marble sink & shelve too.
Not appropriate for this house, but look what is available now...
gold grouting.
Such a subtle touch but so different & elegant.
I can't wait to get to re-do the bathroom under the stairs, or as I like to call it: the Harry Potter bath.
Right now it has the all charm of a 1960's gas station men's room.
However, once I am done with it, it will be charming.
We are right about here now...
It is coming along but needed total re-wiring and plumbing work for 4 bathrooms.
©theherbshed- upstairs bath
I am constantly amazed at the quality and expanse of work that this has
taken him, every tiny detail attended to.
Though once occupied by lovely families, they knew nothing about historic structures
and how to address them.
This home will now be set for many more centuries.
I'm just dreaming of clean bathrooms that I am proud to offer to guests.
I am also hoping to go poking around the flea market.
My usual list is as follows :
- old scissors
- quilts
- old farm equipment
- utilitarian products
- things to put in the chicken coops for them to destroy 
Perhaps an old jeweled pin or two...
Sundays are for poking around looking for treasures for the home.
When we are in the areas of the homes we are restoring, I like finding local
items that may have been in the home back then.
Local signs & books- yearbooks are really neat.
It adds to the history & charm of the home.
Oh, & I am always on the hunt for the perfect moss green velvet couch.
What are you all doing today?
I hope that it fills your soul, rests your spirit and makes you smile.
Sundays should be all about that.
Oh, & counting those blessings!
Have a sweet day!
xxx ooo
{ to see what I am up to in real time, check out my Instagram page:
link above to theherbshedinrealtime }

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