Monday, November 27, 2017

| Cleaning Day |

| tuesday |
good morning!
Yesterday felt like a sprint all day long.
It ended late with me driving the viking to pick up his truck from the
It is almost always something....
Actually , the past month or two has been filled with unexpected
bumps in my { already chaotic} daily routine.
Being the type of girl who loves her structure, this could make me nuts.
It is the one thing that causes the most stress.
In the past I would rail and cry and frantically try and shove
my life into that framework that gave me such comfort.
But that in itself, made me stressed out as well.
What to do?
Well, I did spend some quiet time reflecting upon it all.
The mornings are my time to just sit and pray, think and meditate on
issues that I am struggling with.
Then I had to just accept that that life is gone.
I have to bend and sway with whatever weather I am faced with.
I can still be angry and fearful but those emotions will not change anything at all.
True acceptance is just that.
Time for me to move on in Grace and with the belief that someone bigger than
me has got this.
Today is a cleaning day. Baths get a good bleaching- yes, this time of year I use bleach. Even though I am sensitive, it is the best way to kill flu germs. I swiffer the hardwoods. Wash out garbage cans. Throw the sheets in for a hot soapy wash. Dust.
I am scrubbing and vacuuming the house as best as I can with a broken vacuum.
{ Dyson, it feels like is sending the parts from Denmark by way of Washington State Ugh...}
As I am highly allergic to dust mites, I found this recipe on either Cappers Farmers or Leyman's Merchantile's site.
Pretty straightforward and easy.
 I dust this around my boxspring and rugs, then I vacuumed it  lightly up.
I have also brushed it on my mattress before putting the dust cover on.
Winter will be upon us shortly.
This will be the season for me to plan, construct and create.
It will be the season to bond with friends and family while hunkering down and 
tending to hearth and home.
I love the holidays, but I love the peace that comes right after it more.
We call that Hygge time here at TheHerbShed.
Have a sweet Tuesday kittens!
Remember to count those blessings!
xxx ooo

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