Traditional Herbs from Arenga pinnata
- Prepare 2/3 glasses of palm sugar water, 12 cm of turmeric.
- Grate the turmeric until smooth then put it in a glass containing palm sugar water, stir until evenly mixed. Leave for a few moments until the turmeric settles into bottom of the glass.
- Drink it every night before bed. Do it regularly every night.
What is Arenga pinnata Looks like??
Parts of Arenga pinnata that could be used
- Leaves
- Fruit
- Roots
- Stem
Arenga pinnata Distribution
Sugar palm is a plant native to Indonesia which is spread throughout the archipelago, especially in damp hilly areas. It is also spread naturally in southeastern island countries, including Malaysia, India, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Taiwan and the Philippines. This plant is used as a drink, flour, spice, vegetable, sugar production and medicinal plant.Agroecology of Arenga pinnata
Sugar palm grows optimally in areas with an altitude of 500-700 m above sea level, rainfall of more than 1,200-3,500 mm/year, air temperature of 20-25 °C. This plant is easy to find in mountainous areas, valleys, near rivers, undulating areas and forests.
Morphology of Arenga pinnata
- Roots\u00a0fibrous, stiff, hard, and quite large.
- Single stem, up to 30 m high, the top covered with black fibers (injuk). The pith is soft, fibrous, the outside is hard.
- Compound leaves , bony pinnate leaves, fan-like shape, up to 5 m long, leaf stalk measuring 1.5 m.
- Male and female flowers fused on 1 cob.
- Buni fruit is round in a series, each stem contains 50 fruit. Has 2-3 seed cores, white, covered with a thin, hard shell.
Cultivation of Arenga pinnata
- Generative propagation (seeds).
- Seeds that have been cleaned from the flesh of the fruit are planted in a nursery medium (2 cm deep).
Arenga pinnata, more details :
Chemical Content of Arenga pinnataSaponins, flavonoids, polyphenols, alkaloids, terpenoids (diterpenes), tannins, quinones, ascorbic acid, carotenoids.
Benefits of Arenga pinnata
Treating kidney stones, menstrual laxatives, fever, medicine for canker sores, constipation, eliminating body odor, skin rashes, nosebleeds, strengthening teeth, broken bones, low back pain, intestinal inflammation.
Simplisia of Arenga pinnata
- Choose healthy palm roots.
- Separate them from adhered dirt and wash thoroughly with running water.\u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0
- Dry the ingredients in the sun until completely dry.\u00a0\ u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0
- Store simplicia in plastic or a tightly closed place.
Another Facts for Arenga pinnata :
Synonym of Arenga pinnataArenga gamuto Merr.� , Borassus gomutus Lour.� , Caryota onusta Blanco
Habitus of Arenga pinnata
Palm. Annual palms, up to 30 m high
Habitat of Arenga pinnata
- Forest
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