Thursday, February 13, 2025

📢 Abelmoschus manihot

Traditional Herbs from Abelmoschus manihot


  • Prepare enough fresh gedi bark.
  • Pound it until smooth, add water little by little until it becomes a paste.
  • Put it on an open wound.
  • Do it 3 times a week for 2-3 week.


  • Prepare 2-3 gedi roots. Wash them thoroughly.
  • Choose them using a blender, add 1 glass of water.
  • Strain the concoction and drink it once a day.

Parts of Abelmoschus manihot that could be used

  • Leaves
  • Bark
  • Flowers
  • Roots

Here is Abelmoschus manihot Pictures

Abelmoschus manihot Distribution

It is a tropical to subtropical plant with a main distribution in East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia to the northern region of Australia. The people of North and Central Sulawesi often use the gedi plant as a vegetable, a mixture of dishes, especially Manado porridge and alternative medicine.
Agroecology of Abelmoschus manihot
It grows in tropical climates, lowlands and highlands with an altitude of 500 m above sea level, annual temperatures above 25 °C with an average rainfall of 1,000 mm/year. Tolerant of loose soil, all soil pHs, and requires full sunlight.
Morphology of Abelmoschus manihot
  • Fabrous roots, brown in color.
  • Stem upright, young green and old brownish green, rough texture, segments grow with 1 branch which can branch again.
  • Single leaf, green, has 5 segments, bony fingered leaves with pointed leaf tips, heart-shaped base, smooth hairy surface.
  • Flowers 4-8 cm in diameter, 5 white to yellow petals, often with a red or purple spot at the base petals.
  • Fruit capsules, many seeds.\u00a0

Cultivation of Abelmoschus manihot
  • Propagation using seeds and stem cuttings.
  • Stem cuttings are done by cutting the stems of young plants and then planting them in soil media.\u00a0

Abelmoschus manihot, more details :

Chemical Content of Abelmoschus manihot
Thiamin, folic acid, collagen substances, ridoflavin, flavonoids, polyphenols, saponins, steroids, aldehydes, lupeol, hyperin, stigmasterol, adenosine, myricetin.
Benefits of Abelmoschus manihot
Healthy eyes, medicine for ulcers, fever, headaches, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, antiviral, antihypertensive, anticholesterol, antidiabetic, improves the immune system, softens the skin, reduces kidney damage, antioxidant, prevents cardiovascular disease, cures wounds and sprains, and osteoporosis.
Simplisia of Abelmoschus manihot

Another Facts for Abelmoschus manihot :
Synonym of Abelmoschus manihot
Abelmoschus maculatus Bartl.� , Abelmoschus pentaphyllus� (Roxb.) Voigt� , Abelmoschus platidactylus� (Bakh.) Nakai
Habitus of Abelmoschus manihot
Bush. Annual upright shrub, up to 3 m high
Habitat of Abelmoschus manihot
  • Riverside", "Rocky Area", "Bush Area", "Grassland", "Land

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