Monday, January 13, 2025

👍 Abelmoschus moschatus

Traditional Herbs from Abelmoschus moschatus


  • Wash 10 g of fresh cotton root, then cut into thin pieces. Boil in 3 glasses of water until 1 glass remains. Once cool, strain.
  • Drink 2 times a day, each glass.


  • Wash the fresh leaves of cotton.
  • Grind them until smooth.
  • Put the concoction on boils or on broken bones (fracture).
  • Wrap with a bandage.

What is Abelmoschus moschatus Looks like??

Parts of Abelmoschus moschatus that could be used

  • Leaves", "Seeds", "Bark", "Flowers", "Roots

Abelmoschus moschatus Distribution

This plant spread from India to China, Taiwan and Southeast Asia, then spread to northern Australia and the Pacific Islands. This plant is often grown as an ornamental plant, its seeds produce essential oils, food additives, and in ayurvedic medicine, including to treat eye disorders, coughs and asthma.
Agroecology of Abelmoschus moschatus
Plants grow wild in open places, bushes, empty land or gardens. Likes conditions with a temperature of 20-30 °C, rainfall ranges from 1,000-1,400 mm/year. Grows well in clay and sandy soil with a pH of 5.5-7.8.
Morphology of Abelmoschus moschatus
  • Taproot round, branched, yellowish white.
  • Stem round, base generally woody, few branches, covered with hair.
  • Single leaf, long-stemmed. Leaf blade curved, serrated edge, pointed tip green, base shaped heart, finger bones, both surfaces coarsely hairy, length 6-22 cm, width 5-6 cm.
  • Single flower, bell shape, large, emerges from the axil leaves, crown numbered 5, yellow.
  • Fruit box, oval, five-ribbed, tapered, 5-8 cm long, hairy like a brush, when ripe it opens with 5 valves.
  • Kidney seeds, flat, hard , gray in color, finely striped from base to tip, smells good.\u00a0

Cultivation of Abelmoschus moschatus
Generative propagation (seeds), vegetative (stem cuttings).�

Abelmoschus moschatus, more details :

Chemical Content of Abelmoschus moschatus
Seeds: ambrettolic acid, β-sitosterol-β-D-glycoside, farnesol, furfural. Dried leaves: β-sitosterol, β-D-glycoside. Flowers: β-sitosterol, myricetin, glycoside.
Benefits of Abelmoschus moschatus
Antidiabetic, antioxidant, antibacterial, antiproliferative (prevents the multiplication of cancer cells), softens the skin, cures skin rashes, treats coughs, boils and bone fractures.
Simplisia of Abelmoschus moschatus
  • Prepare sufficient cotton root.
  • Wash the ingredients until clean then cut into small pieces.
  • Arrange them in a container then dry in the sun for 5 days or until dry.
  • Store in an airtight container.

Another Facts for Abelmoschus moschatus :
Synonym of Abelmoschus moschatus
Abelmoschus abelmoschus� (L.) H.Karst., Abelmoschus betulifolia� Wall., Abelmoschus chinensis� Wall.
Habitus of Abelmoschus moschatus
Bush. Annual or biennial shrub with a height of 0.5-2.5 m�
Habitat of Abelmoschus moschatus
  • Wetland", "Riverside", "Coastal", "Roadside", "Grassland

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