Tuesday, June 11, 2024

📩 Celosia argentea

Traditional Herbs from Celosia argentea


  • Boil 30 g of boroco seeds in 1 glass of water until it boils and the remaining \u00bd glass of water then divide\u00a0 two.
  • Drink 2 times a day.


  • Take boroco flowers 5 g, wash until clean then dry.
  • Brew with a little boiled water then stir.
  • Drink.

What is Celosia argentea Looks like??

Parts of Celosia argentea that could be used

  • Leaves", "Seeds", "Flowers", "Roots", "Stems", "All Parts of the Plant

Celosia argentea Distribution

Originates from America, and spread to South China, Sri Lanka, India and Africa. Boroco is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in tropical to warm climates, and is also widely known as a traditional medicine with a long history in China.
Agroecology of Celosia argentea
In Indonesia, it can be found at an altitude of 1-1,700 m above sea level. Grows well in full sun, annual daytime temperatures between 25-30 °C, average annual rainfall in the range of 1,500-2,500 mm/yr.
Morphology of Celosia argentea
  • Stems are round, glabrous with rough longitudinal grooves, many branches, green or red.
  • Single leaves, alternately located, green or red in color, elongated lanceolate, tip and base pointed, finely serrated edge almost flat, spines pinnate.
  • Compound flowers emerge from the tip of the stem or branch, form spikes 5-10 cm long, stand alone, upright, grow elongated, round cylindrical, close together, towards the tip, white purplish.
  • Fruit is wide, inverted egg-shaped with a cap that falls off easily.
  • Seeds number 3-9, small, kidney-shaped, shiny black.

Cultivation of Celosia argentea
Generative propagation (seeds).

Celosia argentea, more details :

Chemical Content of Celosia argentea
Polyphenols, flavonoids betavulgarin, alkanoids, tannins, saponins, cycpeptide moroidin, ascorbic acid, glycosides, citrusin C.
Benefits of Celosia argentea
Root: treats colic, gonorrhea and eczema. Leaves: overcome inflammation and itching. Seeds: treatment of hypertension, jaundice, diarrhea, wounds, and fever. Flowers: treats bleeding hemorrhoids, uterine bleeding outside menstruation, lung disease.
Simplisia of Celosia argentea
Not yet available.
Another Facts for Celosia argentea :
Synonym of Celosia argentea
Amaranthus huttonii H.J.VeitchCelosia aurea T.MooreLophoxera racemosa Raf.
Habitus of Celosia argentea
Herb. Annual herb, grows upright with a height of 0.4-1.5 m
Habitat of Celosia argentea
  • Mountains
  • Grasslands

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