Wednesday, June 26, 2024

🔓 Cassia fistula

Traditional Herbs from Cassia fistula


  • Prepare 4 g tengguli fruit, 2 g cinnamon bark, 3 g kencur rhizome, 2 g sena leaves, 2 g gotu kola herb, 7 g palm sugar, 800 ml water.
  • Make infusion: All ingredients are boiled until boiling for 15 minutes.
  • Drink 3 times a day after eating.


  • Prepare 5 g of fruit mackerel, 3 g gotu kola herb, 2 g sena leaves, 800 ml water.
  • Make an infusion: Boil all ingredients for 15 minutes until boiling.
  • Drink 3 times a day after eating.

What is Cassia fistula Looks like??

Parts of Cassia fistula that could be used

  • Young Pods", "Leaves", "Bark", "Roots

Cassia fistula Distribution

This plant is widespread in tropical areas. In Java, tengguli is cultivated as an ornamental plant, it has also been cultivated throughout Papua Island. In addition, it is often planted for the restoration of degraded land and forest restoration. The wood can be used for building materials, carts, fence posts, agricultural equipment, and charcoal, while the bark is used for tanning and dyeing.
Agroecology of Cassia fistula
It grows well in humid tropical and subtropical areas with average rainfall ranging from 500-2,700 mm/year, average annual temperature of 18-29 °C, and pH of 5.5-8.7. Prefers sandy, well-drained soil in full sun, but is shade tolerant. Commonly found in dry deciduous forests, open forests, and grasslands.
Morphology of Cassia fistula
  • The stem has spreading branches, the young twigs are smooth.
  • Leaves consist of 3-7 pairs of leaflets, oval to elongated, size 7-12 cm x 4-8 cm, glossy upper surface, stalk 5-8 cm long cm.
  • Axillary flowers, numerous, fragrant, dangling (20-60 cm long), golden yellow.
  • Pods, hanging, smooth, black, 20-60 cm long, have many seeds.

Cultivation of Cassia fistula
  • Propagation using seeds and cuttings.
  • Germination can be accelerated by soaking seeds for 12-24 hours in warm water followed by soaking in concentrated sulfuric acid for 45 minutes.
  • This plant grows slowly for about 8-10 years from the start plant until it flowers.

Cassia fistula, more details :

Chemical Content of Cassia fistula
Alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, glycosides, amino acids, triterpenoids and phenolics.
Benefits of Cassia fistula
Laxatives, malaria, boils, diabetes, kidney stones, canker sores, dysentery, treat constipation, hypertension, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory.
Simplisia of Cassia fistula
Not yet available., �
Another Facts for Cassia fistula :
Synonym of Cassia fistula
Bactyrilobium fistula (L.) Willd., Cassia bonplandiana DC., Cassia fistuloides Collad., �
Habitus of Cassia fistula
Tree. Annual tree, reaching 10-15 m high
Habitat of Cassia fistula
  • Riverside", "Forest", "Coastal", "Roadside", "Grassland

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