Wednesday, April 3, 2024

⭐️ Citrus hystrix

Traditional Herbs from Citrus hystrix


  • Prepare 250 g (5 pcs) kaffir lime, 80 g\u00a0lempuyang, 50 g bangle, 30 g ginger ireng, 20 g guri guri, 80 g citronella, 60 g dringo, 5\u2113 water.
  • Lempuyang, bangle, temu ireng, Dried ginger root, citronella and dringo. Slice kaffir lime (without peeling). Boil all the ingredients covered until the aroma is released. Turn off the heat." "Mother, sit on a chair that has a cavity in the middle of the chair. Steam it covered container under the chair) then the mother covers from under the chair to the head with a sarong (like a sauna).
  • Do this routine for 30 minutes a day to maintain the mother's stamina and give a pleasant aroma to the mother's body.

What is Citrus hystrix Looks like??

Parts of Citrus hystrix that could be used

  • Leaves
  • Fruit
  • Fruit Skin

Citrus hystrix Distribution

Kaffir lime originates from Indo-Malaya and is widespread in southern Asia. Cultivated in all parts of the world including the United States, Africa, and the Hawaiian Islands. In Indonesia, the fruit and leaves are often used as a cooking spice. In the culinary world of Southeast Asia, it is usually used as a neutralizer for fishy odors in meat and fish, as a fresh flour freshener, and as a hair wash.
Agroecology of Citrus hystrix
Grows in land with an altitude of 1-1,400 m above sea level. Ideal growth prefers clay to sandy loam soil with sufficient humus, good water and air management, soil pH 5, and full sunlight.
Morphology of Citrus hystrix
  • Taproot.
  • Cylindrical stem, bent or angular, dark green, low branching. The branches are dense, the twigs are thorny, small, and have sharp angles. The crown is irregular.
  • Leaves are ovate, blunt tip, single-stemmed, The leaves are like two strands arranged vertically due to the extreme curve of the edges, thick, and the surface is yellowish green, has a very fresh aroma.
  • Star-shaped flowers are reddish white or yellowish white.
  • Fruit. varying sizes, round, rough skin surface, thick, sharp aroma.

Cultivation of Citrus hystrix
Propagation is generative (seeds) or vegetative (grafting, grafting shoots).

Citrus hystrix, more details :

Chemical Content of Citrus hystrix
Sabinene, ß-pinene, limonene, α -pinene, camphene, myrcene, terinen-4-ol, α -terpinol, linalool, terpinolene, citronellal, ß-citronellol, citronelyl acetate,� flavonoids, coumarin (bergapten), oil essential.
Benefits of Citrus hystrix
Relieves influenza, softens and moisturizes the skin, care for mothers after giving birth, prevents dandruff, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, medicine for insect bites, maintains healthy teeth, medicine for dyspepsia (digestive disorders), treats headaches and worms in children.
Simplisia of Citrus hystrix
  • Wash the kaffir lime leaves and fruit thoroughly then cut into pieces.
  • Dry the leaves and orange fruit that have been cut into small pieces for 1 month.
  • Grind them until they become powder. Store in a clean, airtight container.

Another Facts for Citrus hystrix :
Synonym of Citrus hystrix
Citrus auraria� Michel, Citrus boholensis� (Wester) Yu.Tanaka, Citrus celebica� Koord.
Habitus of Citrus hystrix
Tree. Annual tree, reaching 2-12 m high
Habitat of Citrus hystrix
  • Mainland

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