Monday, March 25, 2024

💥 Adenanthera pavonina

Traditional Herbs from Adenanthera pavonina


  • Wash and cut into small pieces 20 g of the bark.
  • Boil in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes, cool and strain.
  • Filter results for cleaning the wound.

uric_acid": ["Prepare enough saga seeds.
  • Wash them thoroughly with running water.
  • Pound them until they are smooth.
  • Put them on the part of your body that is suffering from gout.

  • What is Adenanthera pavonina Looks like??

    Parts of Adenanthera pavonina that could be used

    • Leaves
    • Seeds
    • Bark
    • Roots

    Adenanthera pavonina Distribution

    The natural habitat and distribution of saga is in Sri Lanka, southern Myanmar, Indo-China, South China, Thailand, the entire Malesian region, the Solomon Islands and northern Australia. It is a plant that is often planted as shady shade and has hard wood and a beautiful texture. Apart from that, saga can be used as an ingredient for making food and drinks (tempeh, soy sauce, coffee, vegetable milk), a medicinal plant, and a material for making furniture. Saga seeds contain high levels of vegetable protein like soybeans, but they cannot be consumed raw, both the seeds and leaves are poisonous if raw.
    Agroecology of Adenanthera pavonina
    It grows well in tropical and subtropical lowlands up to an altitude of 600 m above sea level with an annual temperature of 22-28 °C, rainfall between 3,000-5,000 mm/year, and likes full sun. Generally found in rocky areas, brackish areas or reed land. Tolerant in various soil conditions and topography, both flat and steep.
    Morphology of Adenanthera pavonina
    • The stem has dark grayish brown skin, the inside has a soft texture.
    • Leaves are light green, evenly pinnately compound, alternate, 2-6 pairs of leaflets, 6-12 pairs of leaf blades, 25 cm long stalks.
    • Flowers are small, yellowish, corolla 4-5 strands, number of stamens 8-10.
    • Fruit is green blackish brown and burst when old, resembling petals (pod type) containing small seeds. Each pod contains 10-12 seeds.
    • The seeds are obtuse triangular, hard, and shiny red.

    Cultivation of Adenanthera pavonina
    • Generative propagation (seeds): soak in water for 10-15 minutes, plant directly in the ground.
    • Vegetative propagation (cuttings): cut twigs 20-30 cm in size.\u00a0

    Adenanthera pavonina, more details :

    Chemical Content of Adenanthera pavonina
    Abrin, flavonoids (ampelopsin, butein, dihydrorobinetin and robinetin), glycyrrhizin, alkaloids, polyphenols, terpenoids (echinocystic acid and oleanolic acid), saponins.
    Benefits of Adenanthera pavonina
    Medicine for tonsillitis, eye inflammation, canker sores, hoarseness or sore throat, dry cough and phlegm in children, healthy hair, treating gout, washing wounds.
    Simplisia of Adenanthera pavonina
    • Prepare enough saga seeds and wash them thoroughly with running water, drain.
    • Air dry the seeds without direct sunlight for several days. Grind the dried seeds until they become powder.
    • Store the simplicia in a clean, airtight container. Place in a well-ventilated room.

    Another Facts for Adenanthera pavonina :
    Synonym of Adenanthera pavonina
    Adenanthera gersenii Scheff.
    Habitus of Adenanthera pavonina
    Tree. Annual tree, reaching 10-15 m high
    Habitat of Adenanthera pavonina
    • Water Plants

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