Traditional Herbs from Cosmos caudatus
- Prepare 3 fresh leaves, wash them thoroughly.
- Eat them raw as a vegetable.\u00a0\u00a0
- Consume 3 times a day until complaints of body odor disappear.
- Brew 1 teaspoon of dried kenikir leaves.
- Add 1 glass of boiling water, let stand 35 minutes.
- Strain then drink the tea while it's warm.
- Drink this herbal tea 2 glasses a day in the morning and evening.
What is Cosmos caudatus Looks like??
Parts of Cosmos caudatus that could be used
- Leaf
Cosmos caudatus Distribution
This plant comes from Latin America and Central America which have a tropical climate. Widespread to the Philippines, Indonesia and Spain. Many people consume kenikir leaves as a vegetable. Traditionally, this plant is also used as a medicine for various diseases. Has a high phenol content which acts as an antioxidant.Agroecology of Cosmos caudatus
Grows well in lowlands to mountains with an altitude of 1,600 m above sea level. Its growth prefers hot (tropical) climate conditions at a temperature of 20-22 °C, average rainfall of 2,443 mm/year. Likes open areas with full sun, sandy, rocky, clayey and sandy loam soil with medium or high humidity.
Morphology of Cosmos caudatus
- Taproot, white.
- Stem upright, rectangular, longitudinally grooved, widely branched, purplish green.
- Compound leaves, opposite opposite, pointed tip, flat edge,\u00a0green.
- Flowers The compounds are arranged in tubers which are found at the end of the stem and in the axils of the top leaves, consisting of 8 crowns, tube-shaped stamens, brown anthers blackish, hairy pistil.
- Seeds are hard, small, needle-shaped, 1 1 cm long, black.
Cultivation of Cosmos caudatus
- Generative propagation (seeds).
- Planting can be done directly in the field or sowing first.
- Seedlings that are 3 weeks old after sowing can be moved to land with a spacing of 25 x 25 cm.
- Harvesting performed at 6 weeks of age.\u00a0
Cosmos caudatus, more details :
Chemical Content of Cosmos caudatusChlorogenic acid, polyphenols, hydroxyeugenol, flavonoids (quercetin), saponins, terpenoids, coniferyl alcohol, essential oils.
Benefits of Cosmos caudatus
Treats stomach ulcers and diabetes, increases appetite, overcomes bad breath and body problems, improves the immune system, strengthens bones, maintains heart health, overcomes breast problems due to breastfeeding, eliminates toxins from the body, anticancer.
Simplisia of Cosmos caudatus
- Choose kenikir leaves that are fresh and healthy, wash them thoroughly using running water.
- Slice the leaves into small pieces then dry them in the sun without direct sunlight for several days, until they are completely dry.
- Grind them until they become a coarse powder.
Another Facts for Cosmos caudatus :
Synonym of Cosmos caudatusBidens artemisiifolia� var.� caudata� (Kunth) Kuntze� , Bidens artemisiifolia� var.� rubra� Kuntze� , Bidens berteroana� Spreng.
Habitus of Cosmos caudatus
Bush. Annual herb, reaching 30-200 cm high
Habitat of Cosmos caudatus
- Riverside", "Coastal", "Roadside", "Grassland
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