Monday, July 31, 2023

🎉 Dentella repens

Traditional Herbs from Dentella repens


  • Take enough yuyu eye leaves, wash them until clean.
  • Crush them until they become a paste.
  • Apply the leaf paste on the wound.

What is Dentella repens Looks like??

Parts of Dentella repens that could be used

  • Leaves
  • All Parts of the Plant

Dentella repens Distribution

Dentella repens or yuyu eye is a species from the Rubiaceae family whose natural distribution is found in tropical Asia, tropical Australia, Micronesia and Polynesia. This species is found almost throughout Southeast Asia. Known as a common weed plant which turns out to have good health benefits. Traditionally, this species is widely used as medicine in various countries. As is the case, in India and Malaysia, where people have used this plant as a wound medicine.
Agroecology of Dentella repens
Mata yuyu is a weed plant that is commonly found in empty land, trash, rice fields, abandoned land, sugar cane plantations, dry river beds, and in areas that are always wet or in areas with a clear dry season, with a range of light to heavy soils. . It can also be found growing in rainfed rice fields and highlands.
Morphology of Dentella repens
  • Fibrous roots, white or brown.
  • Stems prostrate, rectangular, dense, glabrous, strongly branched, forming like large flat pads, rooted at nodes (nodes).
  • Leaves simple, not lobed, opposite (opposite), elliptical-oblong to oblong-obovate, the lower surface of the leaf is hairy, slightly fleshy or succulent, the leaf edge is flat, the tip of the leaf is pointed (acute), the base of the leaf is pointed (acute), veined one.
  • Flowers solitary in leaf axils, bisexual, 5-merous, flower stalk very short, with deep 5-fids gamopetalous, funnel-shaped, longer than calyx, tube yellowish, hairy at inside, the corolla is white, usually with a purple spot and hairy at the base. The stamens are inserted near the base of the corolla tube.
  • Fruit capsule indehiscent, subglobose, 3-4 mm long, crowned by a calyx, usually densely hairy, many seeds.
  • Seeds small, angular, reticulate, dark brown.

Cultivation of Dentella repens
Plant propagation through seeds. The seeds are often dispersed by water.

Dentella repens, more details :

Chemical Content of Dentella repens
Benefits of Dentella repens
Treats external wounds, stabilizes blood pressure, purifies blood, improves vision damaged by high blood sugar, relieves toothache, laxative.
Simplisia of Dentella repens

Another Facts for Dentella repens :
Synonym of Dentella repens
Hedyotis repens (L.) Lam., Oldenlandia repens L.
Habitus of Dentella repens
Herb. Creeping herb, annual or perennial, reaching a height of up to 50 cm
Habitat of Dentella repens
  • Wetland
  • Riverside
  • Land

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