Friday, September 9, 2022

👋 Gynura procumbens

Traditional Herbs from Gynura procumbens


  • Prepare 5 pieces of life-giving leaves, wash them clean then brew with 110 ml of hot water, strain and cool.
  • Drink the concoction 1 time a day.


  • Take 8 g of fresh leaves add life, wash, pound until smooth.
  • Put it on the boil. Change every 3-4 hours.\u00a0

What is Gynura procumbens Looks like??

Parts of Gynura procumbens that could be used

  • Leaf

Gynura procumbens Distribution

Native plants from Southeast Asia, namely Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. Often used as food for health, it can be in the form of fresh vegetables or in the form of capsules or tea, as in Thailand where the leaves are consumed as a vegetable. Traditionally, this plant is also used by the community as a medicinal plant for the prevention or treatment of various diseases
Agroecology of Gynura procumbens
This plant grows well in areas with an altitude of 1-1,200 m above sea level, temperate to wet plains with rainfall of 1,500-3,500 mm/year. Air temperature 25-32°C, air humidity 70-90%, high sunlight intensity. Likes land that is not too open or 25% shaded, regosol, andosol soil types. Many are found growing in ditches, house fences, forest edges, grasslands
Morphology of Gynura procumbens
  • Fibrous roots.
  • Soft stem, round surface, greenish purple.
  • Single leaves, oval-shaped, pinnately bony, green, slightly wavy leaf edges, tapered base tip, leaf length 15 cm, width 7 cm, has leaf stalks, alternate\u00a0

Cultivation of Gynura procumbens
  • Vegetative propagation (stem cuttings, root shoots and tubers).
  • The recommended depth of planting hole is 6-8 cm, plant spacing 50 cm x 75 cm.
  • Leaf harvesting is done after the plants are 1-2 months old after planting, while harvesting the tubers after 4-5 months after planting.\u00a0

Gynura procumbens, more details :

Chemical Content of Gynura procumbens
Glycoside compounds, flavonoids, essential oils, saponins, tannins, triterpenoids, polyphenols, steroids, alkaloids
Benefits of Gynura procumbens
Has antioxidant, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activity. Treats kidney disease, stops bleeding, antidote for venomous animal bites, reduces fever, gout and boils.
Simplisia of Gynura procumbens
  • Choose fresh leaves, not damaged or rotten. Wash\u00a0the leaves with clean running water then drain them.
  • Dry in the sun using a dark cloth covering the leaves.
  • Sort dry from unwanted foreign materials. Store simplicia in a container\ /plastic bag, room temperature and protected from direct sunlight\u00a0

Another Facts for Gynura procumbens :
Synonym of Gynura procumbens
Cacalia cylindriflora� Wall., Crassocephalum latifolium� S.Moore, Gynura affinis� Turcz.
Habitus of Gynura procumbens
Herb. Annual shrub, reaching 1-3 m high
Habitat of Gynura procumbens
  • Riverside
  • Forest
  • Bush Area

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