Tuesday, March 15, 2022

📢 Kalanchoe pinnata

Traditional Herbs from Kalanchoe pinnata


  • Prepare 1 handful of Cocor Bebek leaves, 1 lime and 5 tsp of water.
  • Crush the Cocor Bebek leaves, add lime juice and water. Mash and stir until well mixed and become porridge.
  • Apply it to the child's forehead as a compress. Change the mixture if it starts to dry out. Repeat until the child's fever goes down.
  • Can also be rubbed all over the child's body.

What is Kalanchoe pinnata Looks like??

Parts of Kalanchoe pinnata that could be used

  • Leaf

Kalanchoe pinnata Distribution

Originating from Madagascar and spread across tropical areas such as Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, and others. This plant is widely used in various countries as a medicinal plant to treat various diseases. Duck cocor is also often planted as an ornamental plant in tropical areas and in colder areas. Apart from that, the leaves can be used as shampoo.
Agroecology of Kalanchoe pinnata
Can grow wild on the edge of ravines, roadsides, and places where the soil is rocky in hot and dry areas. It grows from the lowlands to an altitude of 1,000 m above sea level, with average rainfall of 1,000-2,000 mm/year and an annual temperature of 22.5�C. Likes full sun or shady places.
Morphology of Kalanchoe pinnata
  • Stems upright, soft, four-sided and segmented.
  • Leaves\u00a0green, thick and juicy, single, oval with short stems.
  • Compound flowers in the form of panicles, cylindrical petals purplish red, red funnel-shaped crown .
  • Fruit box, purple with white dots.
  • Seeds\u00a0small, white.

Cultivation of Kalanchoe pinnata
  • Propagation of the Cocor Duck plant can be done with leaves.
  • Plucked leaves will form plant buds in the notches on the edges of the leaves.

Kalanchoe pinnata, more details :

Chemical Content of Kalanchoe pinnata
Alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, sitosterol, ɑ-amyrin, β-amyrin acetate, bryophyllin A, arachidic acid, astragalin, benzenoid, behenic acid, steroids, butadienolides.
Benefits of Kalanchoe pinnata
Treating bruises (contusions), antipyretic, treating stomach pain, treating ulcers, anti-rheumatic, treating hemorrhoids, anticancer, fever.
Simplisia of Kalanchoe pinnata
  • Take fresh cocor bebek leaves.
  • Wet sort (leaf stalks and shoots removed) then wash thoroughly. Chop the cocor bebek leaves into small pieces.
  • Air dry or oven at 40\u00b0C for 96 hours until dry." ,"Simplisia is sorted dry then pureed and filtered using a 60 mesh sieve.

Another Facts for Kalanchoe pinnata :
Synonym of Kalanchoe pinnata
Bryophyllum calcicola� (H.Perrier) V.V.Byalt, Bryophyllum calycinum� Salisb., Bryophyllum germinans� Blanco
Habitus of Kalanchoe pinnata
Succulents. Annual upright succulent, reaching 30-200 cm high.�
Habitat of Kalanchoe pinnata
  • Wetland", "Riverside", "Forest", "Coastal", "Roadside

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