Sunday, February 20, 2022

📩 Lansium domesticum

Traditional Herbs from Lansium domesticum


  • Roast 5 duku seeds with their skins until black then mash them until they become powder.
  • Brew the duku seed powder with \u00bd glass of hot water.
  • Drink 2 times a day warm until the heartburn disappears .


  • Take 2-3 duku fruit seeds.
  • Pound the seeds until smooth then mix with 1 glass of boiled water.
  • Drink 1 time a day.

What is Lansium domesticum Looks like??

Parts of Lansium domesticum that could be used

  • Leaves", "Seeds", "Bark", "Fruit

Lansium domesticum Distribution

Originating from Southeast Asia, it is widespread in Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia. Duku produces fruit that is very popular because it has a sweet taste. This plant is used traditionally by the community as a medicinal plant. Apart from that, Javanese people use the wood as house poles and handles for household utensils.
Agroecology of Lansium domesticum
Duku can grow and bear fruit well in the lowlands up to an altitude of 600 m above sea level with rainfall of 1,500-2,500 mm/year, soil pH of 6-6.5, air temperature of 25-35 °C. This plant is usually planted in the yard.
Morphology of Lansium domesticum
  • Taproot, penetrating underground.
  • Stem\u00a0grey, cylindrical in shape, monopodial branching.
  • Leaves\u00a0leaves pinnate, shiny surface, short pointed tip, flat edge.
  • Flowers are located in bunches on large, small, short-stemmed, and androgynous stems or branches.
  • Fruit\u00a0round shape, taste sweet.
  • Dicot seeds, oval in shape, and slightly round.

Cultivation of Lansium domesticum
  • Generative (seed) and vegetative propagation (grafting, grafting and grafting).
  • Propagation by seed will produce fruit for 8-10 years longer.

Lansium domesticum, more details :

Chemical Content of Lansium domesticum
Leaves: flavonoids, saponins and triterpenoids.. Stems: flavonoids, saponins.. Fresh seeds: 6 tetranorterpenoids, domesticulide A-E (1-5), triterpenoids, limonids.. Fresh fruit skin: etheric oil, resin, triterpene onoceranoids.. Fruit skin dry: oleoresin (etheric oils and resins).
Benefits of Lansium domesticum
Maintains a healthy digestive system, source of antioxidants, improves the immune system, overcomes fever, treats worms, dysentery, treats scorpion stings, source of natural whitening extracts in cosmetics.
Simplisia of Lansium domesticum

Another Facts for Lansium domesticum :
Synonym of Lansium domesticum
Taeniochlaena polyneura� G. Schellenb., Aglaia� aquea� (Jack) Kosterm., Aglaia� domestica� (Corrêa) Pellegr., Lansium javanicum M.Roem., Lachanodendron domesticum (Corrêa) Nees, Amoora racemosa Ridl.
Habitus of Lansium domesticum
Tree. Annual tree, reaching 5-30 m high
Habitat of Lansium domesticum
  • Forest

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