Saturday, October 16, 2021

🎉 Melaleuca leucadendra

Traditional Herbs from Melaleuca leucadendra


  • Prepare 6-10 g of eucalyptus leaves. Boil them in 2 glasses of water until boiling and half the water remains, cool then strain.
  • Drink 1 time a day.

What is Melaleuca leucadendra Looks like??

Parts of Melaleuca leucadendra that could be used

  • Leaves
  • Bark

Melaleuca leucadendra Distribution

Eucalyptus comes from eastern Indonesia, specifically the Maluku islands and northern Australia. In Indonesia, eucalyptus has a wide distribution, including Java, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua. This plant is a source of eucalyptus oil which has many medicinal benefits and the stems can be used as building materials.
Agroecology of Melaleuca leucadendra
This plant grows well in tropical and subtropical lowlands at altitudes up to 800 m above sea level, rainfall is 800-1,400 mm/year. Suitable for growing in moist soil, pH 6-7, fertile soil, and likes full sun.
Morphology of Melaleuca leucadendra
  • Taproot and light brown.
  • Stems are round, woody, branched a lot, dirty white and the bark peels easily.
  • Single leaves, ovate, pointed tip and base, flat edges, pinnate spines, green whitish.
  • Compound flowers, spike-shaped, grow at the tips of terminal twigs and leaf axils, green petals, white crown, stamens longer than other flower decorations.
  • Capsule-like fruit bell, 6-7 mm diameter dirty white.
  • Small seeds, round.

Cultivation of Melaleuca leucadendra
Generative (seed) and vegetative propagation (shoot cuttings using rejuvenation techniques, branch cuttings, shoot cuttings, root cuttings, grafts).

Melaleuca leucadendra, more details :

Chemical Content of Melaleuca leucadendra
(E-)- nerolidol, β-caryophyllene, viridiflorol, (E)-β-farnesene, alpha-humulene, tannins, lignin, melaleucin, sesquiterpen hydrocarbons, eugenol, limonene, eucalyptol, volatiles.
Benefits of Melaleuca leucadendra
Treats sinuses, malaria, bronchitis, sore throat, burns, rheumatism, diarrhea, acne bruises, hiccups, eliminates earaches, headaches, skin inflammation, toothache, gout.
Simplisia of Melaleuca leucadendra
  • Take eucalyptus leaves. Wash the leaves to remove dirt and then place them in a clean container.
  • Air dry in the shade until completely\u0002dry.
  • After dry, store in a closed container.

Another Facts for Melaleuca leucadendra :
Synonym of Melaleuca leucadendra
Cajuputi leucadendron� (L.) A.Lyons, Kajuputi leucadendron� (L.) Farw., Meladendron leucocladum� St.-Lag.
Habitus of Melaleuca leucadendra
Tree. Annual tree, reaching 22-43 m high.
Habitat of Melaleuca leucadendra
  • Riverside
  • Forest

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