Thursday, August 5, 2021

😃 Mucuna pruriens

Traditional Herbs from Mucuna pruriens


  • Wash 10 g of fresh leaves of Mucuna pruriens until clean. Add \u00bc g of lime, then mash until smooth.
  • Put it on the wound then wrap it with a clean cloth.

What is Mucuna pruriens Looks like??

Parts of Mucuna pruriens that could be used

  • Young Pods", "Leaves", "Seeds", "Roots

Mucuna pruriens Distribution

Benguk beans are native to India and Africa, then spread to Asia, America and the Pacific region. This plant is cultivated in tropical areas as a medicinal plant and its L-DOPA content is used by the pharmaceutical industry. The young leaves and pods can be eaten by boiling them first, the old seeds can be used as a substitute for soybeans in making tempeh.
Agroecology of Mucuna pruriens
Grows in areas at altitudes up to 2,100 m above sea level with average temperatures during the day in the range of 20-30 °C. Likes fertile, moist, well-drained soil and direct sunlight or partial shade. This plant is found in sandy, clay, rocky and volcanic soil with a soil pH of 5-7.
Morphology of Mucuna pruriens
  • Stems are massive, round, green, and smooth.
  • Leaves are triple pinnate, oval to ovate, pinnate, green.
  • Compound flowers form a series, with gray petals, colored corollas purplish or white. black spots.

Cultivation of Mucuna pruriens
  • Propagation by seeds and stem cuttings.
  • Use old seeds, with good shape and size, dry in the hot sun until dry then place in a shady area.

Mucuna pruriens, more details :

Chemical Content of Mucuna pruriens
Alkaloids, prurienine, ß-sitosterol, glution, lecithin, venolic acid, tryptamine, alkylamines, steroids, flavonoids, terpenoids, mucunadine, mucunain, essential oils, dopamine.
Benefits of Mucuna pruriens
Treats wounds, arthritis, worms, cholera, reduces symptoms of tremors, overcomes erectile dysfunction, treats, as an aphrodisiac and tonic, cough suppressant, blood purifier, lowers fever and cholesterol.
Simplisia of Mucuna pruriens
  • Provide fresh pods then wash them thoroughly with running water to remove any dirt.
  • Dry them for several days.
  • After drying, puree them with a blender.
  • Place them in airtight or sterile packaging.

Another Facts for Mucuna pruriens :
Synonym of Mucuna pruriens
Carpopogon pruriens� (L.) Roxb., Dolichos pruriens� L., Hornera pruriens� (L.) Neck.
Habitus of Mucuna pruriens
Creepers. Annual vines, 6-15 m long.
Habitat of Mucuna pruriens
  • Riverside", "Forest", "Roadside", "Bush Area", "Grassland

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