Thursday, October 8, 2020

👋 Plantago major

Traditional Herbs from Plantago major


  • Boil 1\u20442 handful of spoon leaves with 3 glasses of water until boiling and the remaining water is 2 1\u20444 glasses then strain.
  • Drink 3 times a day, for each 3\u20444 glasses add 1 tablespoon honey (to taste).


  • Take 15 g of spoon leaf herb, 15 g of cock's comb flowers, 30 g cat's whisker leaves, and 20 g bitter leaves.
  • Wash all ingredients then boil in 3 glasses of water until half the water remains. Cool the concoction then filter.
  • Drink 3 times a day, 1\u20442 glasses each. Treatment is carried out every day until it heals/ gets better.

What is Plantago major Looks like??

Parts of Plantago major that could be used

  • Leaves
  • Seeds
  • Roots

Plantago major Distribution

This plant comes from mainland Asia and Europe, is widespread throughout the world and has been known for hundreds of years. Spoon leaves are one of 9 medicinal plants that are considered sacred in the Anglo Saxons and are empirically used as an anti-diabetic drug by the people of Mexico and Chile.
Agroecology of Plantago major
Generally it can be found from the lowlands to an altitude of 3,300 m above sea level, mostly above 700 m above sea level. Spoon leaves are a weed on tea and rubber plantations and can grow wild in forests, fields, and slightly damp grassy yards.
Morphology of Plantago major
  • The fibrous roots are dirty white.
  • Short stems are round and brown.
  • Single leaves, ovate to lanceolate, blunt tip, tapered base, serrated edges, root rosette, smooth surface, curved leaf spines, light green .
  • The compound flowers are arranged in spikelets that are 30 cm long, small, white.\u00a0
  • The fruit consists of boxes, each box contains 2-4 seeds, colored green.

Cultivation of Plantago major
Generative propagation (seeds). Not yet widely cultivated, it usually grows wild as a weed.

Plantago major, more details :

Chemical Content of Plantago major
Saponins, flavonoids, polyphenols, plantagin aucubin, ursolic acid, β-sitosterol, n- hentriakunta, plantaglucida (methyl d-galacturonic d-galactose, l-arabinose) and l- rhamnose, tannins, planterolic acid, naphozilin compounds.
Benefits of Plantago major
Medicine for boils, laxatives, bleeding gums, heartburn, weak heart, sprains, stomach pain, diuretic, jaundice, esophageal infections, kidney stones, and urinary tract infections.
Simplisia of Plantago major
  • Choose fresh and not rotten spoon leaves. Wash with water until clean then drain.
  • Air in the shade for 3-5 days until dry.
  • Pack the simplicia in a clean, airtight container.

Another Facts for Plantago major :
Synonym of Plantago major
Plantago adriatica� Campana, Plantago altissima� Loisel., Plantago angustata� Schur
Habitus of Plantago major
Herb. Annual herb, height ranges from 15-45 cm
Habitat of Plantago major
  • Riverside", "Forest", "Roadside", "Grassland

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