Traditional Herbs from Pleroma heteromallum
- Prepare enough tibouchina leaves, wash them thoroughly.
- Crush the leaves into a paste.
- Apply dau paste on the wound.
What is Pleroma heteromallum Looks like??
Parts of Pleroma heteromallum that could be used
- Leaf
Pleroma heteromallum Distribution
Pleroma heteromallum is a plant endemic to Brazil (South America), where this plant is found in rocky areas in small populations scattered in the southern areas of the state of Minas Gerais. Pleroma heteromallum or tibouchina is usually planted as an ornamental plant in gardens with purple flowers that bloom all year round. According to research, tibouchina leaves contain bioactive ingredients that are beneficial for health and in the Sanggau area are commonly used as ingredients in traditional medicine.Agroecology of Pleroma heteromallum
Pleroma heteromallum or tibouchina likes full sun and rich, loamy soil that is moist during the growing season but tolerates regular irrigation. In hotter areas, some afternoon shade is beneficial. Can grow at an altitude of 700-1,700 m above sea level.
Morphology of Pleroma heteromallum
- Woody stem, rectangular.
- Velvety silver green leaves 10-15 cm long which have 5 prominent veins and old leaves will turn a beautiful orange color just before falling. The leaves are ovate with a sharp apex and a shaped leaf base heart.
- Flowers\u00a0in a series, long-stemmed, has 2 bracts, 5-petaled corolla, violet 4 cm wide, glandular pilose filaments; connective gland indumentum.
Cultivation of Pleroma heteromallum
Propagation can be done by stem cuttings that are still soft.
Pleroma heteromallum, more details :
Chemical Content of Pleroma heteromallumAlkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins.
Benefits of Pleroma heteromallum
Treating wounds.
Simplisia of Pleroma heteromallum
Another Facts for Pleroma heteromallum :
Synonym of Pleroma heteromallumTibouchina heteromalla (D.Don) Cogn., Lasiandra adenostemon DC., Lasiandra heteramalla (D.Don) Naudin
Habitus of Pleroma heteromallum
Bush. Shrub with an average height of 1.2-1.8 m and reaches a height of 3 m in nature
Habitat of Pleroma heteromallum
- Rocky Area
- Land
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