Monday, September 30, 2019

⏰ Strobilanthes alternata

Traditional Herbs from Strobilanthes alternata


  • Wash 7 fresh sambang getih leaves. Boil them in 1 glass of water until boiling for 15 minutes. Once cool, filter and drink all at once.
  • Do this 2-3 times a day.


  • Take 1 handful of fresh leaves, wash them and boil them in 2 glasses of water for 30 minutes. Once cold, filter and drink.
  • Drink 2 times a day, in the morning and evening.
  • Boil the dregs one more time to drink in the afternoon ha

What is Strobilanthes alternata Looks like??

Parts of Strobilanthes alternata that could be used

  • Leaf

Strobilanthes alternata Distribution

According to LIPI information, this plant is native to Indonesia, originating from the island of Java. Many are found in Malaysia and the Philippines. It grows wild or is planted in yards and parks as an ornamental plant and as a natural dark red dye on cotton cloth during the colonial era, as well as as a medicine for various diseases.
Agroecology of Strobilanthes alternata
Generally grows well in lowlands, mountainous areas and in open places that get lots of sunlight. This plant can be found up to a height of 400 m above sea level, in secondary forests. A good temperature for this plant is 15-17.5�C at night and 20-22.5�C during the day.
Morphology of Strobilanthes alternata
  • Taproot, yellowish white.
  • Stem round, lying and creeping, branched, segmented and purple.
  • Leaves, single, stemmed, located opposite, oval shape, pointed tip, serrated edge, spine pinnate, upper surface purple red, glossy greyish, lower part burgundy, hairy.
  • Compound flowers, gathered in a series of spikelets, emerging from the tip of the stem, crown shaped like a funnel, the color is white.
  • The fruit is small, oval, light green.
  • The seeds are small, flat and white.

Cultivation of Strobilanthes alternata
  • Vegetative propagation (stem cuttings).
  • Preparation of planting medium, the composition consists of \u2153 parts of ordinary soil, parts of sand, \u2153 parts of manure and at the bottom of the pot given red stones\u2153.

Strobilanthes alternata, more details :

Chemical Content of Strobilanthes alternata
Saponins, tannins, flavonoids, triterpenoids, alkaloids, polyphenols, high levels of potassium and low levels of sodium, silicic acid and glycosides.
Benefits of Strobilanthes alternata
Urine laxative (diuretic), treats open wounds and sprains, diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhoids, treats excessive menstruation, has anti-inflammatory activity.
Simplisia of Strobilanthes alternata

Another Facts for Strobilanthes alternata :
Synonym of Strobilanthes alternata
Blechum cordatum� Leonard, Hemigraphis alternata (Burm.f.) T.Anderson, Hemigraphis colorata� (Blume) Hallier f., Hemigraphis colorata� W.Bull
Habitus of Strobilanthes alternata
Creepers. Annual climbing plant, reaching 15-30 cm in height
Habitat of Strobilanthes alternata
  • Forest
  • Grassland

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