Sunday, April 7, 2019

👋 Typha angustifolia

Traditional Herbs from Typha angustifolia


  • Clean the roots, dry them then grind them.
  • Mix the fine roots with a little water.
  • Place them on the wounds or burns for a few moments.

What is Typha angustifolia Looks like??

Parts of Typha angustifolia that could be used

  • Leaves", "Flowers", "Roots", "Twigs", "Stem

Typha angustifolia Distribution

Lembang plants originate from Canada, North America. In Indonesia, people call it the "torch tree", where the flowers or torches will fall like cotton when the plant is old. People use the stems as woven material to make mats and baskets, and material for making motorbike seats. This plant can also be grown as an ornamental plant, medicinal plant, and consumed as a vegetable.
Agroecology of Typha angustifolia
Lembang grows in lowland swamps, brackish waters and mountain swamps up to an altitude of 1,725 ??m above sea level. Grows well in full sun, wet conditions, and muddy soil.
Morphology of Typha angustifolia
  • Roots in the form of rhizomes. Length 70 cm, diameter 2 cm.
  • Stems are rounded.
  • Leaves are line-shaped, slightly tapered 8-22 x 6-16 mm.
  • Flowers are cigar-shaped, male flowers are collected at the tip 15\u201330 cm long, the female flowers are clustered and shorter. Between the flowers there are long hairs like wool.

Cultivation of Typha angustifolia
  • This plant develops in 2 ways, namely: sexually (by propagating seeds) and asexually (by using rhizomes found on the base tree).
  • The seeds are blown by the wind so they can easily form new clumps.

Typha angustifolia, more details :

Chemical Content of Typha angustifolia
Proteins, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, saponins, phenols, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, triterpenoids, sterols, nanocosanol, lupeol acetate.
Benefits of Typha angustifolia
Treatment of kidney stones, reduces abnormal uterine bleeding, menstrual pain, relieves post-partum pain, abscesses, cancer of the lymphatic system, treats wounds and burns.
Simplisia of Typha angustifolia
  • Choose roots that are not rotten. Remove any dirt stuck to them. Wash the roots with clean running water. Drain.
  • Dry in the sun using a dark cloth covering the roots to avoid direct contact with the sun.
  • Sort dry from unwanted foreign materials .
  • Store simplicia in a container/plastic bag, room temperature, well aerated, away from direct sunlight, not in direct contact with the floor.
  • Pound, grind and sift until it becomes flour.

Another Facts for Typha angustifolia :
Synonym of Typha angustifolia
Massula angustifolia (L.) Dulac, Typha elatior Boenn, Typha angustifolia var. columetensis Peattie
Habitus of Typha angustifolia
Aquatic Plants. Annual aquatic plant, reaching 1.5-3 m in height
Habitat of Typha angustifolia
  • Wetland

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