Traditional Herbs from Viola inconspicua
- Wash the fresh leaves of calung-calung, wash\u00a0until they are clean.
- Crush it until it becomes a paste.
- Apply it to the wound.
- Take enough calung-calung leaves and wash until clean.
- Boil the leaves\u00a0until it boils.
- Let it warm/cold.
- Strain then drink.
What is Viola inconspicua Looks like??
Parts of Viola inconspicua that could be used
- Leaves
- Flowers
- Stems
Viola inconspicua Distribution
Viola inconspicua Blume, distributed in China, Japan and Southeast Asia including India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines and Vietnam. This species was first recorded by Blume (1825) from China and Java. Viola inconspicua differs from other species of the genus Viola by having triangular-lanceolate leaf blades, heart-shaped leaf bases, stipules measuring 3/4 adnate to the petiole with the entire margin serrated or sparse and an acute apex, relatively short spurs (2" long). �4 mm), round ovary, and oval capsule. The young parts of this plant can be eaten as a vegetable, besides this plant has compounds that can be used in traditional medicine.Agroecology of Viola inconspicua
Lives at an altitude range from the lowlands to 1,600 m and sometimes up to 2,400 m and in the Malesia area generally 500 to 1,700 m. Grows in meadows, edges of hiking trails, and forest edges.
Morphology of Viola inconspicua
- Rhizoma erect or slightly inclined, 1-2 cm long, between 2-8 mm in diameter.
- Taproot, white.
- Stem has very dense segments.
- Leaves arranged almost in a rosette, stalk with supporting leaves that are fused approximately \u00be long to the petiole, the free part of the petiole is 2-7 cm long, the egg-shaped leaves are triangular, 1.5-9 \u00d7 1-7 cm, cardiac base, pointed or pointed tip.
- Unisexual flowers with single symmetry, usually with slender and long stalks, almost the same or slightly longer than the leaves. Flowers with oval-lanceolate segmented petals, oval-ovate corolla breech, 7\u22129 mm long, anterior segment 1-1.2 cm long including the spur 3-loculated, oval 8 to 10 mm long.
- Seeds green, ovate-rounded, measuring 1-1.5 \u00d7 0.8 mm.
Cultivation of Viola inconspicua
Propagation is generative by seeds that can develop well and vegetatively by division of clumps and cuttings.
Viola inconspicua, more details :
Chemical Content of Viola inconspicuaAlkaloid compounds.
Benefits of Viola inconspicua
Viola inconspicua Blume is used for conjunctivitis, acne, breast inflammation, wounds, sore throat, yellow fever, diarrhea with vomiting, cures stomach ache, colds, improves blood flow.
Simplisia of Viola inconspicua
Another Facts for Viola inconspicua :
Synonym of Viola inconspicuaViola angustistipulata C.C.Chang, Viola apetala Roxb., Viola confusa Champ. ex Benth.
Habitus of Viola inconspicua
Herb. Annual herb, and without clear or very short stems
Habitat of Viola inconspicua
- Forest
- Roadside
- Grassland
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