Saturday, January 5, 2019

⭐️ Zingiber purpureum

Traditional Herbs from Zingiber purpureum


  • Take 50 g of bangle rhizome.
  • Clean the bangle then grate it.
  • Gently rub it on the forehead or temples or nape of the neck.

What is Zingiber purpureum Looks like??

Parts of Zingiber purpureum that could be used

  • Leaves
  • Rhizomes

Zingiber purpureum Distribution

Bangle comes from South India with a tropical climate and Southeast Asia such as Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. In Indonesia, especially Javanese people, apart from using bangles as a traditional medicine (to treat reddish skin), they are also believed to keep newborn babies away from spirits.
Agroecology of Zingiber purpureum
Grows in the lowlands to an altitude of 1,300 m above sea level. Likes open areas with sufficient sunlight, well-drained soil, high organic matter.
Morphology of Zingiber purpureum
  • Irregular round roots, spreading and yellow flesh, light yellowish brown skin.
  • Pseudo stems are composed of a collection of leaf midribs with brush-haired edges at the edges, growing upright.
  • Single leaves, alternately located, leaf blade oval, thin, pointed tip, blunt base, flat edge, fine hair, pinnate bones, 23-35 cm long, wide 20-40 cm, green, the back of the leaves are hairy.
  • Flowers\u00a0compound, form bunches, emerge at the end of the stem, ovate, arranged like thick scales, tubes, bright red.
  • Fruit is round, sized 17 mm, has thin skin, many seeds, purple in color.

Cultivation of Zingiber purpureum
  • Vegetative propagation (rhizomes).
  • Adult rhizomes weighing 25-40 g which have sprouted in pots/polybags (1-1.5 months) can be moved to the field.

Zingiber purpureum, more details :

Chemical Content of Zingiber purpureum
Sineol, pinene, tannins, saponins, flavonoids, steroids, essential oils (sabinene, Y-terpinene, terpinen-4-ol, butadiene).
Benefits of Zingiber purpureum
Anti-inflammatory, reduces fever, cures diarrhea, worms, migraines, vertigo, prevents complications from malaria, accelerates wound healing, rheumatism, swelling, colds in babies, warms the body.
Simplisia of Zingiber purpureum
  • Wash the bangle rhizome thoroughly. Drain and weigh then slice crosswise.
  • Arrange on a container then dry in the sun.
  • After 1 6 days of drying, store the bangle in a tightly closed container.

Another Facts for Zingiber purpureum :
Synonym of Zingiber purpureum
Amomum cassumunar (Roxb.) Donn, Amomum xanthorhiza Roxb. ex Steud., Cassumunar roxburghii Colla
Habitus of Zingiber purpureum
Herb. Annual erect herb, reaching 1.2-1.8 m in height
Habitat of Zingiber purpureum
  • Forest

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