Saturday, February 8, 2025

✅ Asclepias curassavica

Traditional Herbs from Asclepias curassavica


  • Prepare 5 g of fresh cinde cotton roots, cut into small pieces.
  • Wash then boil in 1 glass of water for 15 minutes, strain after cold.
  • Drink all at once.

wound_infection" :["Prepare all parts of the cinde cotton plant and enough aloe vera.
  • Pound it until it becomes a paste and mix it with aloe vera until smooth.
  • Put it on the sick part.

  • What is Asclepias curassavica Looks like??

    Parts of Asclepias curassavica that could be used

    • Leaf
    • Flower
    • Latex
    • Root

    Asclepias curassavica Distribution

    This plant comes from South America. Distribution of cinde cotton plants from the American Continent, Virginia Islands, Australia, Asia (China and Indonesia). Cinde cotton can be planted as an ornamental plant and has benefits as a medicinal plant. Apart from that, the stem fibers can be used for spinning and bundles of tied stems can be used as brooms.
    Agroecology of Asclepias curassavica
    This plant grows in the lowlands up to an altitude of 800 m above sea level and can live in tropical and subtropical areas. Often found around forests, roadsides and home yards.
    Morphology of Asclepias curassavica
    • Tap root, dirty white.
    • Stem round, smooth, dull green, gummy
    • Leaves short-stemmed, green, elongated lanceolate, pointed tip, narrow base, located opposite.
    • Compound flowers, crown narrow and pointed petals, 5 petals, bright red or orange with a yellow center.
    • Elongated egg-shaped fruit, flat, at the tip with a long tuft of silky white hair.
    • Seeds are brown, egg-shaped, flat, narrow wings around the edge.

    Cultivation of Asclepias curassavica
    Propagation can be done generatively (seeds) and vegetatively (stem cuttings).

    Asclepias curassavica, more details :

    Chemical Content of Asclepias curassavica
    Glycosides, calotropin, uzarin, calactin, coroglucigenin, uzarigenin, oleanolic acid, quercetin, flavonoids, phenols, caffeic acid, tannins, resins, terpenoids, xanthoproteins, steroids, carboxylic acids, coumarins, ambrettolic acid, β-sitosterol.
    Benefits of Asclepias curassavica
    Laxative, stops bleeding in wounds and hemorrhoids, wound infections, treats gonorrhea, inflamed spleen, pneumonia (lung inflammation), mastitis (breast infection), warts, cancer, fever, improves blood circulation, treats ringworm and rashes.
    Simplisia of Asclepias curassavica
    • Prepare and wash all parts of the cinde cotton plant thoroughly with running water.
    • Air dry the material then grind it until it becomes powder.
    • Store in a sterile and airtight container.

    Another Facts for Asclepias curassavica :
    Synonym of Asclepias curassavica
    Asclepias aurantiaca� Salisb., Asclepias bicolor� Moench., Asclepias cubensis� Wender.
    Habitus of Asclepias curassavica
    Herb. Annual erect herb, reaching 0.7-1.5 m in height
    Habitat of Asclepias curassavica
    • Wetland", "Riverside", "Forest", "Roadside", "Grassland

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