Traditional Herbs from Caryota mitis
- Prepare enough palm fruit, wash until clean.
- Boil it in water that will be used for bathing.
- Cool until warm.
- Bath with herbal water to reduce itching.
- Prepare enough palm fruit, wash thoroughly with running water.
- Pound it until it becomes a paste.
- Apply it to the painful part of the body
What is Caryota mitis Looks like??
Parts of Caryota mitis that could be used
- Leaves", "Seeds", "Fruit", "Sap", "Stem
Caryota mitis Distribution
Saray palms are native to India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. Widespread to China, Malaysia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia (Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi and Sumatra). This plant is generally used as an ornamental plant, and the starch from stem extraction can be used as sago, and also as an ingredient in traditional medicine.Agroecology of Caryota mitis
Many are found in lowland rainforests up to an altitude of 1,500 m above sea level. Grows in somewhat closed areas, generally under the shade of trees. Tolerant of clay, sand, loam with good drainage.
Morphology of Caryota mitis
- Fibrous roots.
- Stems are clumped, upright, base has leafy stolons.
- Leaves are double pinnate, shaped like a fish's tail, green stems 50-100 cm long, leaflets are rhombus-shaped, often asymmetrical measuring 7- 25 cm x 2.5-15 cm, pointed leaf tips.
- Flowers are spirally arranged, in groups, reddish in color, the number of flower parts is a multiple of eight. Flowers are separated between male and female female. Curved inflorescence stalk, branched inflorescence, branch length between 25-45 cm.
- Fruit is round, green when young, then turns dark red or orange when ripe, 7-15 cm in diameter.
Cultivation of Caryota mitis
Propagated via seeds and shoots from the base of the stem.
Caryota mitis, more details :
Chemical Content of Caryota mitisPhytosterols, triterpenes, alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolic acids, ferulic acid, saponins, amino acids, 4-hydroxybenzoic, β-amyrin, β-sitosterol, kaempferol, quercetin,rutinoside.
Benefits of Caryota mitis
The plain tinuktuk ingredients are used to maintain stamina, have antimicrobial activity, increase hair growth, treat dental disease and snakebite poisoning, itching of the skin, and treat joint pain.
Simplisia of Caryota mitis
Not yet available.
Another Facts for Caryota mitis :
Synonym of Caryota mitisCaryota furfuracea Blume, Caryota griffithii Becc., Caryota javanica Zipp.ex Miq.
Habitus of Caryota mitis
Palm. Annual palm, up to 8 m high
Habitat of Caryota mitis
- Forest
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