Monday, February 26, 2024

👋 Acalypha indica

Traditional Herbs from Acalypha indica


  • Wash 30-60 g of dried earrings then boil with 2 glasses of water until 1 glass remains, cool.
  • Drink 2 times a day each \u00bd glass.
  • Do it regularly 5-10 days.


  • Crush all parts of the fresh antinganting plant to taste.
  • Mix with enough granulated sugar.
  • Then paste the results apply to the injured area.\u00a0

What is Acalypha indica Looks like??

Parts of Acalypha indica that could be used

  • Leaves
  • Roots
  • Stems

Acalypha indica Distribution

This plant is widespread in tropical regions from West Africa to India, Indo-China to the Philippines and Java. Anting-anting is a weed that generally grows wild on roadsides, grass fields and on hillsides, but for generations, this plant has been used as a medicine for digestive disorders.
Agroecology of Acalypha indica
It grows ideally in lowland tropical areas up to an altitude of 1,350 m above sea level, with rainfall of 1,500-3,500 mm/year with dry months of less than 2 months. The types of soil that are suitable for this plant are andosol, latosol and red-yellow podzolic soil, with a soil pH of 5.5-6.5. Air temperature 22-28 �C.
Morphology of Acalypha indica
  • Taproot.
  • Stem\u00a0branches, has a rough longitudinal line.
  • Leaves\u00a0single, cylindrical stem (3-4 cm long), oval-round, alternate leaf location, tip and base of leaf are pointed, parts The edges of the leaves are serrated. The leaves are 2.5-8 cm long and 1.5-3.5 cm wide.
  • The flowers are monoecious, emerging from the leaf axils, small, in a series of panicles.

Cultivation of Acalypha indica

Acalypha indica, more details :

Chemical Content of Acalypha indica
Flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, saponins, aleurone, tannins, cyanogenic glucoside (acalyphin), and pyranoquinolinone alkaloid (flindersin).
Benefits of Acalypha indica
Urine laxative (diuretic), laxative, stopper bleeding (hemostasis), expectorant, dysentery, nosebleeds, medicine for gout, rheumatism, diabetes, relieves aches and pains, has anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antibacterial and antifungal activity.
Simplisia of Acalypha indica
  • Prepare the roots of fresh earring plants, separate them from any dirt attached.
  • Wash them thoroughly using running water.
  • Dry them in the sun or in the oven at 40\u00b0C until a water content of up to 10% is reached .
  • Once dry, store in a closed container.

Another Facts for Acalypha indica :
Synonym of Acalypha indica
Acalypha caroliniana� Blanco, Acalypha decidua� Forssk., Acalypha fimbriata� Baill.
Habitus of Acalypha indica
Herb. Perennial upright herb, reaching 30-50 cm high
Habitat of Acalypha indica
  • Riverside", "Rocky Area", "Bush Area", "Grassland

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