Traditional Herbs from Leonotis nepetifolia
- Take fresh leaves and flowers of dagga clips and wash them thoroughly.
- Boil all the ingredients until boiling.
- Add salt or sugar.
- Drink to dissolve kidney stones.
canker sores
- Take enough fresh leaves of dagga clips and wash them until clean.
- Pure it/blender by adding a little water.
- Strain then drink.
What is Leonotis nepetifolia Looks like??
Parts of Leonotis nepetifolia that could be used
- Leaves", "Seeds", "Flowers", "Roots", "All Parts of the Plant
Leonotis nepetifolia Distribution
Leonotis nepetifolia is a pantropical weed native to tropical Africa and the Indian Subcontinent, but has been introduced and naturalized in many tropical regions throughout the world. This plant is cultivated as a medicinal plant in India, Malaysia, the Antilles, Brazil and Africa. In India, dagga clip (especially the root part) is an important medicinal plant in traditional systems of medicine such as Ayurveda, Unani, and Siddha. One of them is commonly used to treat asthma. Dagga clips can also be used as an ornamental plant and vegetable, where the flowers can be cooked and consumed as a green leafy vegetable. Additionally, the dried leaves of Leonotis nepetifolia have psychoactive properties and are sometimes used as a substitute for marijuana providing effects such as euphoria and a sense of excitement.Agroecology of Leonotis nepetifolia
Clip dagga can be found growing on roadsides, abandoned farmlands, overgrazed grasslands, disturbed sites, waste areas, waterways and flood plains, at altitudes up to 2,000 m above sea level. This plant likes warm temperatures of more than 30 ºC and well-distributed rainfall between 1,600-2,000 mm/year. Suitable for planting on sandy loam soil, with sufficient humus content and soil acidity (pH) ranging from 4.6-6.5.
Morphology of Leonotis nepetifolia
- Taproot.
- Stem sturdy, upright, obtuse rectangular with thickened corners, branched at the top node.
- Leaves arranged opposite each other, membrane-bound, oval-ovate in shape, tip sharp to pointed, rough serrated edge , rounded to obtuse at the base, finely pubescent on both surfaces. Petiole winged at the top.
- Compound flowers, dark orange-red, with many petals in whorls funnel-shaped, 1.2-1.5 cm long. Stamens are 4, inserted in the corolla tube.
- Fruit pods, each seed pod contains four seeds, dull black, glabrous (hairless).
Cultivation of Leonotis nepetifolia
- Propagation is carried out generatively (seeds). The optimal temperature for germination is 28-32 \u00b0C and soil humidity 40-60% for seeds 6 months old.
- This plant can flower all year round.
Leonotis nepetifolia, more details :
Chemical Content of Leonotis nepetifoliaEssential oils (β-caryophyllene, α-humulene, germacrene D, caryophyllene oxide, octene, (Z)-β-ocimene, β-copaene, linoleic acid, oleic acid), resinic acid, diterpene labdane (nepetaefolin), antioxidative phenylethanoid glycosides acteoside, martynoside, lavandulifolioside, coumarin 6-methoxysiderin, 4,6,7-trimethoxy-5-methylchrome-2-one, iridoid glycosides, andlaballenic acid.
Benefits of Leonotis nepetifolia
Treats asthma and bronchitis, diarrhea, fever, influenza, coughs, headaches, malaria, canker sores, rheumatism, overcomes swelling, wounds and burns, ringworm, itchy skin, cleans the uterus, overcomes menstrual pain, tonic to strengthen the back, pneumonia , anthrax, syphilis, diabetes, hemorrhoid washer, kidney stones. Has activity as antifungal, antibacterial, anticancer, anthelmintic, diuretic and analgesic.
Simplisia of Leonotis nepetifolia
- Prepare the dagga clip flower leaves, wash thoroughly with running water then drain.
- Dry in the sun or in an oven at\u00a040\u00b0C until the water content\u00a010%.
- Blend using a blender until it becomes powder." ,"Store in a clean and airtight place.
Another Facts for Leonotis nepetifolia :
Synonym of Leonotis nepetifoliaLeonurus globosus Moench, Leonurus nepetifolius (L.) Mill., Phlomis nepetifolia L.
Habitus of Leonotis nepetifolia
Herb. Erect herbaceous, annual, height ranging from 1-3 m
Habitat of Leonotis nepetifolia
- Riverside", "Roadside", "Grassland", "Land
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