Traditional Herbs from Senna septemtrionalis
- Brew some roasted kicik-kicik fruit seeds in 1 glass of hot water.
- Drink while it's warm.
What is Senna septemtrionalis Looks like??
Parts of Senna septemtrionalis that could be used
- Leaves", "Seeds", "Flowers", "Roots", "Stems", "All Parts of the Plant
Senna septemtrionalis Distribution
This plant originates from Mexico and Central America. It has been introduced and naturalized in the West Indies, parts of South America, tropical Africa, India, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Kicik-kicik is generally planted as a hedge and ornamental plant. Apart from that, it can also be used for traditional medicine. The seeds can be used as a substitute for coffee.Agroecology of Senna septemtrionalis
Grows well at altitudes up to 2,300 m above sea level. This plant likes fairly fertile sandy loam soil with full sunlight. Often found on river banks, forests and disturbed areas.
Morphology of Senna septemtrionalis
- Stems are round, dense and woody at the base.
- Compound leaves, 3-4 pairs of leaflets, broadly ovate to lanceolate, 4.5-10.5 cm long, green surface, pale green lower surface.
- Flowers appear at the tips of branches or in the leaf axils, arranged in bunches, have 5 bright yellow flower petals.
- Pods are cylindrical or obtuse rectangular, 6-10.5 cm long, wide 0.8-1.1 cm, slightly soft cavity, divided into 2 parallel rows of cells.
- Seeds 3.6-4.9 mm long, smooth, with small holes, dark brown.
Cultivation of Senna septemtrionalis
Propagation by seeds. Soaking for 12 hours in warm water can increase the growth percentage and reduce germination time.
Senna septemtrionalis, more details :
Chemical Content of Senna septemtrionalisSennaglycosides, anthraquinnon glycosides dianthrone, naphthalene glycosides, hydroxyan thrasen, flavonoids, emodin, chrysophanol.
Benefits of Senna septemtrionalis
Treating herpes and skin fungus, relieving fever, Bright's disease therapy, expectorant, worm medicine, rheumatism, malaria, treating red eyes, reducing menstrual pain, controlling blood sugar levels, epilepsy therapy.
Simplisia of Senna septemtrionalis
- Select kicik-kicik fruit seeds that are brown in color.
- Set the seeds in the sun until dry.
- Fry without using oil until the color becomes browner and gives off a coffee aroma.
- Store in a clean plastic container.
Another Facts for Senna septemtrionalis :
Synonym of Senna septemtrionalisAdipera laevigata (Willd.) Britton&Rose, Cassia aurata (Roxb.) Vogel, Cassia corymbosa Ortega�
Habitus of Senna septemtrionalis
Bush. Annual shrub, reaching 6 m in height.
Habitat of Senna septemtrionalis
- Riverside", "Forest", "Roadside", "Grassland
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