Tuesday, April 30, 2019

⭐️ Trevesia burckii

Traditional Herbs from Trevesia burckii


  • Prepare enough duck tread leaves and wash them until clean.
  • Crush them until they become a paste.
  • Put the paste on small wounds.


  • Take enough duck tread leaves and wash them until clean.
  • Grind it until it becomes a paste.
  • Put the paste on the broken bone and wrap it with gauze.

What is Trevesia burckii Looks like??

Parts of Trevesia burckii that could be used

  • Leaves
  • Roots

Trevesia burckii Distribution

Trevesia burckii lives in Peninsular Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra and Kalimantan (West Kalimantan, Sarawak). The young inflorescences of the duck tread plant can be consumed as a cooked vegetable. Apart from being a vegetable, duck tread is also useful as a medicinal plant. In Peninsular Malaysia the leaves are used as a poultice for small wounds, general skin complaints, broken bones, and combined with rubbing, to treat rheumatism, lumbago and fever. It is further stated that a decoction of the root bark and leaves is drunk as a tonic with aphrodisiac properties.
Agroecology of Trevesia burckii
T. burckii is an understory plant in evergreen rainforests, from sea level to a height of 900 m above sea level. In general, it grows in damp and shady places.
Morphology of Trevesia burckii
  • Stems erect to slightly reclined, with scattered sturdy spines.
  • Leaves alternate, crowded at branch tips, palmately lobed, but apparently compound, more or less circular in outline, up to 60 cm long; lobes 7-9, lanceolate- oval to obovate, up to 36 cm \u00d7 15 cm, base pointed to rounded, apex tapering, margin serrated at the top of the leaf; 20-50 cm; ligulate stipules.
  • Flowers, terminal or lateral panicle inflorescences up to 60 cm long, consisting of 6-12 secondary branches ending in 30-50 flowering umbels, and with terminal umbels of triangular bracts, persistent , regular, 7-10-merous; pedicle irregularly rimmed; flat-conical; ovary inferior, broadly obconical, 7-10-celled, style united, stigma slightly swollen.
  • Fruit drupe-like, round, apical conical, up to 2 cm in diameter compressed.

Cultivation of Trevesia burckii
Generative propagation is by seeds. The fruit may be eaten by birds and bats, which may serve as seed dispersers.

Trevesia burckii, more details :

Chemical Content of Trevesia burckii
Information not found. Need further investigation.
Benefits of Trevesia burckii
As a poultice to treat small wounds or skin complaints in general, helps heal broken bones, treats rheumatism, backache and fever, as a tonic with aphrodisiac properties.
Simplisia of Trevesia burckii
  • Prepare sufficient duck tread leaves, wash thoroughly with running water.
  • Dry in the sun or in an oven at a temperature\u00a040\u00b0C until the moisture content\u00a010%.
  • Store in a\u00a0clean and airtight container." ]
    Another Facts for Trevesia burckii :
    Synonym of Trevesia burckii
    Trevesia cheirantha (C.B.Clarke) Kuntze
    Habitus of Trevesia burckii
    Bush. Shrub or small tree, annual, reaching 10 m high
    Habitat of Trevesia burckii
    • Forest
    • Land

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